Faculty of Arts

About the Department

The Department of English was established in 1971 with the objective to acquaint students with the English language and literature. Since then, the Department has been imparting traditional value-based education as well as job-oriented training to the students. Post Graduate Program (PG) in English was introduced in the year 2006-07 to acquaint students with new trends in English literature. The department has been conducting Certificate Course in English for Business since 2008-09 to equip students with soft -skills related to entrepreneurship. The Department also facilitates a short-term Add -on Certificate Course to enhance the communicative competence of the students and to equip them for different job opportunities. The Department has a well-equipped Departmental Library with a collection of text, reference books, dictionaries, thesaurus, word- power guides, books on English Grammar and Communication Skills and audio-video CDs. The Department has a strong IT infrastructure with a Language Laboratory that facilitates software to develop the language skills of the students. Occasionally there is a screening of the classical masterpieces of English and regional literature. The Department has well-qualified and research-oriented faculty who persistently endeavor to create and develop the literary sensibilities of the students.

Salient Features of the Department

  • Qualified and Research oriented faculty
  • PG Department and Research -center
  • Well -equipped Departmental Library
  • IT infrastructure with Language Laboratory
  • Use of ICT in teaching-learning activities
  • Remedial Coaching for slow learners
  • Training for different job opportunities through a Certificate course in English for Business
  • Add -on Certificate Course to equip students with different soft skills
  • Cultivation of literary attitudes and aptitudes of the students

Awards /Recognitions

Sr.No Achievement/ Recognition/ Awards Team / Individual University/State/National/ International Sports/ Cultural Name of the student
1 Dnyanada Smruti Gaurav Puraskar Individual State 2005 Educational & Cultural Dr.Rajani S.Patil
2 Dr.Radhakrushnan Gold Medal Award Individual National 15 Dec.2012. Educational & Cultural Dr.Rajani S.Patil
3 Special Activity : NSS worked as a team Leader of SPPU in Ten days Disaster Management Training Camp at Nagpur in 2014…& won Best Contingency Award for Nashik District. Team State June 2014 NSS - Social Dr. Rajani S.Patil & NSS Students of Nashik District
4 Team Leader ( Felicitation) Individual June 2014 Social/Cultural Dr.Rajani Patil
5 Teacher Innovation Award Individual National 2019 Educational Dr.Rajani S.Patil
6 Rashtriy Pratishtha Puraskar Individual National 2023 Social &Cultural Dr.Rajani Patil
7 Nominated as Member Board of Studies, English, SPPU by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, SPPU Individual University-2023 Educational Dr. Manish Gaikwad
8 Worthy Wellness Foundation Award for Commendable work towards Society Individual National-2023 Social/Cultural Dr. Rajani Patil

1.Enhancing the Communicative Competence of the Students through Different Initiatives

Objectives of the Practice:

  • 1. To develop the communication skills of the students.
  • 2. To build up the confidence of the students to speak English fluently.
  • 3. To acquaint students with LSRW skills in English.
  • 4. To aware students of different job opportunities in English.
  • 5. To equip students to face global challenges.
  • The Context:

    It has been observed that the students have a phobia of the English language. They cannot communicate in English or use it for practical purposes. In spite of the fact that the English language is our National Link Language and has been in use for almost a century, the students are found lacking in communicative competence in English. The use of multimedia instead of strengthening languages seems to weaken them by availing the options of regional languages. It is true that technology has facilitated multilingualism but in reality, due to multilingualism, the student is the master of none. Students cannot speak their mother tongue without the support of English words nor can they communicate fluently in English. The language used by the present generation is a strange combination of Marathi and English. In the background of globalization, this is going to be a serious issue as it is obvious that students with good communicative competence are going to get better job opportunities.

    The Practice:

    The Department of English conducts various activities to develop the communicative competence of the students. A Certificate Course in English is one of the activities that help to boost the communicative competence of the students. The UG and PG students from all streams can seek admission to the Certificate Course. The Certificate course in English is developed considering the basic needs of the students. The Course aims to clear the basic concepts of the students about English Grammar.One of the reasons for the student’s inability to communicate in English is the lack of systematic training in English Grammar. Due to incorrect grammar, they cannot communicate in an effective way. The course begins with the teaching of Basic English Grammar. The focus is on drilling and practice of the usage of the tenses in English where the students are likely to make mistakes. Apart from that, it covers the skills required for Business Communication i.e., notices, agenda, minute writing, applications, letter writing, dialogue writing, group discussion, email and fax etc.

    The department also conducts an Add-on Certificate course in English. Identifying the impact of the English language on all employability sectors around the world the Add-on Certificate Course in English is designed exclusively to enhance the communication skills of the students and equip them with employability skills. The lack of proper training results in incorrect pronunciation and grammar usage. Whereas, the lack of vocabulary leads to diffidence in interpersonal communication and public speech. It also affects their interview and presentation skills. These are the aspects that need intensively for employment in any sector. Since the course is task and activity based it can develop these skills in the play-way method. Thus, the Add- onCertificate Course in English aims to develop the basic competencies of the students in the English language and opens up the possibility of job opportunities for the students.

    Under the Add-on Certificate Course, various task-based activities are conducted. To develop the vocabulary of the students the Spelling Bee competition is conducted. The spelling Bee is basically a competition in which the students are given a broad category of words to spell. One can be in the competition until one can spell the word correctly. Incorrect spelling eliminates students from the competition. The competition is very useful in learning to spell and developing vocabulary. Narration and recitation of a story is another exercise that helps to develop the vocabulary as well as listening skills of the students. To develop the writing skills of the students they are given training in content writing and presentation skills. To prepare students for the jobs they are given training in public speaking and interview techniques. Apart from this, the students are groomed from day-to-day teaching activities. They are continuously encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities like debating, elocution, and essay writing competitions which in turn develop their communicative competence.

    Evidence of Success

    The students responded positively and enthusiastically toall the initiatives taken by the department for enhancing communicative competence of the students. Every year there are 20 to 30 students from all streams admitted for Certificate Course in English for Business. Add-on Course in English also developed the language-oriented skills of the students. The students of the department participated in various competitions.


    The department faces a number of problems in the execution of the best practice. The students admitted to the college are from rural and tribal background. They come from a background where they did not have good school facilities. Some of them even come from a place where there is only one teacher teaching all subjects. Obviously, the students do not have enough drilling in the English language in the earlier stage. When the student comes to higher education, he is mature enough and necessary grooming becomes difficult. Since the students are from tribal background, they are reluctant to join the certificate courses. The faculty has to struggle a lot encouraging them to enroll in the course, create confidence in them and keep them motivated.

    2.Nurturing the Aesthetic Sense of Students through the Screening of Classic Masterpieces.

    Objectives of the Practice:

  • 1. To develop a suitable approach to the study of literature.
  • 2. To cultivate the literary temperaments of the students.
  • 3. To cultivate literary attitudes and aptitudes among the students.
  • 4. To develop the literary sensibilities of the students.
  • 5. To sensitize students to the artistic and aesthetic qualities of literature.
  • The Context:

    Literature is described as a mirror of society as it reflects the society around us. But literature is not just an imitation of human life. It is an artistic recreation. It is the delineation of human emotions, and passions as well as multifaceted aspects of the human mind and intricate human relations. It gives us a new insight into human life by projecting the joys and sorrows of it with innumerable combinations. Therefore, literature is capable of giving us a cathartic experience. The study of literature becomes more effective if the students are sensitized to the artistic and aesthetic qualities of literature. The artistic qualities sensitize us to the beauty of literary creation.The aesthetic qualities of literature make us forget the material things around us. They move us and transport us to the seventh heaven. With the aesthetic sense, the experience of reading literature becomes at once a spiritual experience.

    The Practice:

    The department takes every effort to cultivate the aesthetic sense of the students. The students are trained for the critical analysis of the literature right from the first year of graduation as the specialization of English begins in the first year itself. Various literary devices like figures of speech, allegory and allusions that lead to aesthetic pleasure are introduced to the students. At this stage, the students are acquainted with different forms of literature with their special features. From now onwards every form of literature is taught for its literary values. There is critical appreciation and students are made aware of the artistic and aesthetic qualities in the literary work.

    Apart from that, occasionally, there is a screening of certain select classic movies so that students should be able to experience the aesthetic sense. The screening of the movies has an audio-visual effect that has the potential of a strong and lasting impact. The collection of movies includes English movies as well as a few regional movies. At the initial stage, there is a screening of the all-time classic English movie The Sound of Music. The movie is remarkable for its musical quality, lyricism, classical dances and the puritan theme of hard work and discipline. Since it is an all-time favorite, the movie engrosses students, especially at the UG level. Malgudi Days by R. K Narayan is often screened to give the students an experience in regional movies. Since the Sahitya Academy Award-winning novel, The Guide had been prescribed the student were given the live experience of how the fiction can be adapted for the movies by screening glimpses of the movie The Guide. The department has a collection of movies based on George Orwell’s Animal Farm, William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet, Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice, and Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. Three Idiots has been one of the favorite movies of the young generation. It is based on Chetan Bhagat’s novel Five Point Someone. Though there is no need for the screening of this blockbuster movie yet we conduct a discussion on the original novel and its adaptation to the screen.

    Screening movies can give a closer experience of life as compared to reading literature. Students can understand the varied aspects of human life in a better way. Screening movies can lead to a cathartic effect in a better way. Thus, the students are sensitized to the aesthetic qualities of the literature. They can experience the transportation typical to the aesthetic experience of the literature. Apart from this, the Department has conducted a webinar on the Adaptation of Fiction to Cinema and the webinar gave many insights into both aspects of literature.

    Evidences of Success:

    Screening movies can avail a number of teaching tools. It helps to develop the listening skills of the students as they keep on listening to the dialogues attentively. The listening skill can develop speaking skills by giving flexibility to language. Watching a movie with a peer group is an exciting experience. Watching movies in association with literature can help us to understand both movies and literature in a better way. It gives us new insights into the complexities of human life leading to aesthetic experiences. The aesthetic sense in literature helps us to become mature towards the problems of human life.


    Since aesthetic sense itself is an abstract idea it is very difficult to make the students understand the concept of Aesthetic sense. With the help of a number of examples, the faculty of the department make the students understand this concept. Again, the aesthetic sense is a subjective concept and it’s difficult to predict what would be one’s response to a given work of art. It also depends upon an individual’s ability to perceive. It is difficult to measure aesthetic sense. The whole process is based on certain assumptions which in turn become difficult to explain. Motivating students is one of the challenges, especially when movies are easily available on their mobile handsets. However, the faculty continue with the work of grooming students in all respect.

    Extension Activities

    Sr.No Activity Report
    1 National Webinar on New Education Policy view
    2 Induction Programme for PG Students view
    3 National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights and Research Methodology view
    4 One Day-Workshop on ‘Content Writing’ view
    5 Field Visit to Tilak Library view
    6 Guest Lecture view
    7 State Level Seminar- 2018 view
    8 State Level Seminar- 2016 view
    9 Virtual Content Writing Activity view
    10 William Wordsworth Poetry Writing Competition view
    11 English Language Day Celebration view
    12 Career Counseling Session view
    13 Online SET/ NET Workshop view
    14 Online Quiz Competition view
    15 National Webinar on Literature & Film Adaptation view
    16 Research Methodology Online Lecture Series view
    17 SET NET Workshop-2023 view

    Research Centre Details

    a. Year of Introduction - 2022-23
    b. Highlights –
  • • Qualified and Research oriented faculty
  • •Well -equipped Departmental Library with journals & magazines
  • • Language Laboratory with Orel- software useful for advanced research
  • • A collection of films, educational DVDs, and CDs which can serve as effective research tools
  • • Facility to pursue research in diverse areas and interdisciplinary areas
  • C.Areas of research -
  • • Research in Comparative Literature
  • • Research in Commonwealth and Postcolonial Literature
  • • Interdisciplinary Research
  • • Research in Indian writing in English
  • • Research in Language Acquisition
  • • Research in Language Acquisition
  • Research in Language Teaching
  • Research Guides:

    SR No. Name of the guide Year of recognition
    1 Dr. Rajani Shivajirao Patil, (Regular Guide & Co-ordinator) 2020
    2 Dr. Manisha Annasaheb Gaikwad (Regular guide) 2021
    3 Dr. Kishore Ramrao Nikam (Associate guide) 2021
    4 Dr. Sandip Ashok Wagh (Associate guide) 2021
    5 Dr. Kalyan Shidram Kokne, (Associate guide) 2021
    6 Dr. Dipanjali Karbhari Borse, (Associate guide) 2021
    7 Dr. Raj Vinayak Tribhuvan, (Associate guide) 2021
    8 Dr. Sharad Uttam Chavhan, (Associate guide) 2022
    9 Dr. Mukund Shriram Bhanari, (Associate guide) 2022

    Ph.D. Scholars Registered

    Sr. No. Name of Scholar Name of the guide Title of the thesis Degree Awarded Year of award of degree
    1 Swapnil Alhat Dr. Rajani S.Patil Psychoanalysis of Tragic Heroes: A Critical Perspective on Select Modern Tragedies Pursuing -
    2 Sadique Peerzada Ali Dr. Rajani S. Patil Sufism and Transcendentalism: A Comparative Study of the Select Works of Hazrat Sultan Bahu and Ralph Waldo Emerson Pursuing -
    3 Ms. Savita Shivaji Pawar Dr. Rajani S.Patil Resistance and Recognition in the Novels of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni : A Feminist Study Pursuing -
    4 Dipti Yuvraj Shiledar Dr.Manisha Gaikwad An Eco-Critical Reading in the selected Indian and American Poems Based on Water Theme Pursuing -
    5 Dev Sonawane Dr.Manisha Gaikwad A Comparative Study Of The Select Works Of Toni Morrison And Urmila Pawar From The Feminist Perspective Pursuing -
    6 Renuka Patil Dr. Manisha Gaikwad Paulo Coelho’s Concept of Personal Legend Towards Self-Realization and Spiritual Fulfilment Pursuing -

    Research Projects Completed

    SR No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    1 Dr. Rajani Shivajirao Patil Teaching English Articles at Undergraduate level with the help of Computer UGC 80,000 2015
    2 Dr. Kishore Nikam Difficulties of UG students in acquiring communicative competence in English in the Rural and Hilly area of Nampur, Taharabad & Satana UGC 50000 2014

    On-Going Projects

    SR No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    1 NIL

    Research Papers Published

    SR No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications View details
    1 Smt. Sarala Sanap 12 01 view
    2 Dr.Manisha Gaikwad 42 08 view
    3 Dr. Rajani S. Patil 31 13 view

    Patents/Copyrights Published/Filed

    SR No. Title of the patent/copyright Date of filing Year of award of certificate View details
    1 NIL

    Conferences Organized

    SR NO. Title of the conference State / National / International Schedule View details
    1 Post-Colonialism and Eco-criticism in Indian Literature State 5th & 6th Feb.2016 view
    2 Digitalization of English Language and Literature Teaching State 30th Jan.2018 view
    3 Literature and Film Adaptation National 22nd &23rd Oct.2021 view

    Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

    SR NO. Title of the conference State / National / International Schedule View details
    1 5 days- Lecture Series on Research Methodology in English Language and Literature State 25th to 29th October 2021 view

    Research Publications

    SR No. Name of the faculty View Publications
    1 Prof. Sarala Sanap view
    2 Dr.Kishore Nikam -
    3 Dr.Sandip Wagh -
    4 Dr. Rajani Patil view
    5 Dr.Manisha Gaikwad view
    Sr.No Name of the Faculty Designation Email
    1 Prof.Sarala Sanap HOD & Associate Professor [email protected]
    2 Dr.Rajani Patil Assistant Professor [email protected]
    3 Dr.Manisha Gaikwad Assistant Professor [email protected]
    4 Prof. Vinay Kantela Assistant Professor [email protected]
    5 Prof. Peerjada Sadique -Ali Lecturer [email protected]

    T. Y. B. A. (Compulsory English) Result

    Meritorious Students: T. Y. B. A. (Compulsory English)

    Academic Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Pardeshi Megha Govind
    2 Kadale Vikram Balu
    3 Jadhav Mohini Shankar
    2018-19 1 Tathe Rahul Somnath
    2 Joshi RahanRavindara
    3 Kurhade Samadhan Vishnu
    2019-20 1 SapteWishwasPandu
    2 Wadekar Ashok
    3 ChavdhariJanardanValu
    2020-21 1 Aditi Bawa
    2 Gaud Khushboo
    3 Jadhav Sanchi Ravikiran
    2021-22 1 Kamble Siya Pramod
    2 Chandratre Purushottam Ramesh
    3 Patil Maya Gokul

    T. Y. B. A. (Compulsory English) Result

    Meritorious Students: T. Y. B. A. (Compulsory English)

    Academic Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Nikam Neha Raghunath
    2 Sathe Harshad Gyaneshwar
    3 Solanki Paras Pravin
    2018-19 1 Donde Vijay Prakash
    2 Raundal Piyusha Bhausaheb
    3 Tathe Rahul Somnath
    2019-20 1 Khetade Mangesh Bastiram
    2 Ghute Piyush Chandar
    3 Zankar Anil Pandharinath
    2020-21 1 Jadhav Sanchi Ravikiran
    2 Kasar Sonam Rajendra
    3 Gaud Khushboo Amarnath
    2021-22 1 Aute Prajakta Dilip
    2 Kamble Siya Pramod
    3 Bhusare Kunal Hemraj

    M. A. II (English)

    Meritorious Students: M. A. II (English)

    Academic Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Rupwate Asmita Madan
    2 Shaikh Anam Fatema
    3 Khapare Rohini Babaji
    2018-19 1 Ahire Yogita Baban
    2 Gadakh Punam Suresh
    3 Chavhan Mohini Dilip
    2019-20 1 Jadhav Shradha Shashikant
    2 Shinde Kaveri Shankar
    3 Savle Vaishali Dadaji
    2020-21 1 Desale Jyotsna Laxman
    2 Chavhan Saloni Mohan
    3 Bagul Ashwini Somnath
    2021-22 1 Thakare Ramesh Yashwant
    2 Ghute Piyush Chandar
    3 Avhad Mangala Vishnu
    Name of the Programme Pos,PSOs & Cos
    B.A view
    M.A view



    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UAE (ENG-11011) Compulsory English
    Paper-II UAE (ENG-11331) Optional English


    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper -I UAE (ENG-11012 Compulsory English
    Paper -II UCE (ENG-11332) Optional English

    F.Y.B. Com


    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UCE (ENG-111) Compulsory English
    Paper-II UCE (ENG-117-A) Inorganic and Organic chemistry


    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UCE (ENG-121) Compulsory English
    Paper-II UC E (ENG-127-A) Additional English

    Semester III

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UAE (ENG-23001) CC- Compulsory English
    Paper-II UAE (ENG-23331) Appreciating Drama- (DSC-1A)/(DSC-1B)
    Paper-III UAE (ENG-23332) Appreciating Poetry-(DSC-2A)/DSC-2B)
    Paper-IV UAE (ENG-23333) Advanced Study of English Language-(SEC-1A)/(SEC-1B)
    Paper-V UAE (ENG-23334) Mastering Communication Skills-(SEC-2A)/(SEC-2B)
    Paper-VI UAE (ENG-23321) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)

    Semester IV

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UAE (ENG-24001) CC- Compulsory English
    Paper-II UAE (ENG-24331) Appreciating Drama- (DSC-1A)/(DSC-1B
    Paper-III UAE (ENG-24332) Appreciating Poetry-(DSC-2A)/DSC-2B)
    Paper-IV UAE (ENG-24333) Advanced Study of English Language-(SEC-1A)/(SEC-1B)
    Paper-V UAE (ENG-24334) Mastering Communication Skills-(SEC-2A)/(SEC-2B)
    Paper-VI UAE (ENG-24321) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)


    Semester III

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I USE (AECC-23321) English [Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course-AECC]

    Semester IV

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I USE (AECC-24321) English [Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course-AECC]


    Semester V

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UAE (ENG -35001) Compulsory English
    Paper-II/td> UAE (ENG -35331) Appreciating Novel (DSE-1C)
    Paper-III UAE (ENG -3 5332) Introduction to Literary Criticism (DSE-2C)
    Paper-IV UAE (ENG -35333) Enhancing Employability Skills (SEC-1C)
    Paper-V UAE (ENG -35334) Master in Life Skills and Life Values (SEC-2C)

    Semester VI

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I UAE (ENG -36001) Compulsory English
    Paper-II/td> UAE (ENG -36331) Appreciating Novel (DSE-1D
    Paper-III UAE (ENG -36332) Introduction to Literary Criticism (DSE-2D)
    Paper-IV UAE (ENG -36333) Enhancing Employability Skills (SEC-1D)
    Paper-V UAE (ENG -36334) Master in Life Skills and Life Values (SEC-2D)

    M.A English

    Semester I

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I PAE (ENG -10601) English Literature from 1550 to 1798
    Paper-II/td> PAE (ENG -10602)) English Literature from 1798 to Present
    Paper-III PAE (ENG -10603) Contemporary Studies in English Language
    Paper-IV PAE (ENG -10604) Literary Criticism and Theory

    Semester II

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I PAE (ENG -20601) English Literature from 1550 to 1798
    Paper-II/td> PAE (ENG -20602)) English Literature from 1798 to Present
    Paper-III PAE (ENG -20603) Contemporary Studies in English Language
    Paper-IV PAE (ENG -20604) Literary Criticism and Theory

    Semester III

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I PAE (ENG -30601) Indian Writing in English
    Paper-II/td> PAE (ENG -30602)) Applied Linguistics
    Paper-III PAE (ENG -30606) American Literature
    Paper-IV PAE (ENG -30608) World Literature in English

    Semester IV

    Paper No Course code Title of the Paper
    Paper-I PAE (ENG -40601) Indian Writing in English
    Paper-II/td> PAE (ENG -40602)) Applied Linguistics
    Paper-III PAE (ENG -40606) American Literature
    Paper-IV PAE (ENG -40608) World Literature in English

    Top Alumni

    Sr. No. Name of the Student Designation Year
    1 Mr.Madhav Thail Finance & Account Officer, Treasury, Nashik 1996
    2 Manohar Dugaje Asst. Professor 1997
    3 KailashBodake Asst. Professor 1997
    4 Sheikh Raza Ahmed Ibrahim Lecturer 1998
    5 Manish Sudhakar Deore Lecturer 1998
    6 Yogesh Sampatrao Kardak Lecturer 1998
    7 Swapnil Satish Alhat Lecturer 2012
    8 Sadique Ali Peerzada Lecturer 2012
    9 YogitaGulabHiray Teacher 2012
    10 Sucheta Pawar-Sonawane Vice-principal 2014
    11 PriyankaDube Teacher 2014
    12 ShalchAfrozIshagu Teacher 1999
    13 NilamDayaramKapadnia Teacher 2000
    14 Mahesh Gaikwad Talathi ( State Gov.Post) 2005
    15 PandurangArjunBhalerao Teacher 2005
    16 Chandrashekhar Joshi Teacher 2004
    17 Kishore P. Thete Agent Strategist 2006
    18 Sunil Mahipat Salve Manager 2006
    19 Sunita Samuel Bansode Teacher 2006
    20 Harish MadhukarUnawane Music Teacher 2007
    21 PurushottamShaduThoke Teacher 2007
    22 Rahul Vijay Aher Tracer 2007
    23 Somnath K Kasar Jr. Clerk 2008
    24 Maya HiramanPagare Asst. Teacher 2008
    25 MithilPardesh FX Artist 2008
    26 DattatrayKaushikShelke Jr. Clerk 2008
    27 Nilesh G Tiwari Asst. Teacher 2008
    28 Sandeep P Detke O.S. Administration 2008
    29 AnjinathBaburaoRasal Govt. Servant 2009
    30 Kumar S Gaikwad Police 2010
    31 PankajThakare Teacher 2011
    32 AmrinShaikhRauf Asst. Teacher 2012
    33 Shaikh Sana Habib Asst. teacher 2010
    34 ShaikhMinaj Asst. teacher 2010
    35 KautikArvindaMotiram Clark 2014
    36 VitthalDevidasShinde Teacher 2014
    37 SunitaIngale Lecturer 2016
    38 LalitaChaure Primary Teacher 2013
    39 ArchanaKashyap Asst. Teacher 2012
    40 Sanket More Lecturer 2012
    41 PallaviPawar Owns Business 2016
    42 MohiniChavhan Lecturer 2013
    43 Anita Raskar Principal 2014
    44 Mahendra Gaikwad Asst-Professor 2016
    45 Pushpa Dhavle Teacher 2014
    46 Ravindra Vijay Khade Teacher 2012
    47 Sadaf Inamdar Asst-Professor 2016
    48 Rajnandini Bhavsar Teacher 2014
    49 Shaikh Uzma Muzaffar Teacher
    50 Savita Kapadnis Teacher 2017
    51 Prabha Waghmare Teacher 2016
    52 Nilesh Gaurishankar Tiwari Teacher 2009
    53 Ganesh Bhusare Teacher 2016
    54 Pawar DivyeshBhavlya Advocate, Nashik 2016
    55 Gaikwad Yogesh Sudhakar Entrepreneur 2018
    56 Aishwarya Jadhav Joined Coaching Classes 2015
    57 KomalPalve Joined Coaching Classes 2017
    58 Aarti Lokhakare Railway job / Steno 2012
    59 Kumavat Swati Primary Teacher 2017
    60 Nandale Sonali Primary Teacher 2017
    61 Patil Jayashri Joined Coaching Classes 2014
    62 Pawar Priyanka Primary Teacher 2014
    63 Yogesh Bhale Shop 2014
    64 SarkuteMonali Joined Coaching Classes 2017
    65 Shejwal Manju Primary Teacher 2017
    66 Raut Nitin Stenographer 2015
    67 Bhoye Mangesh Entrepreneur /shop 2015
    68 Jadhav Neha Teacher 2017
    69 Kashyap Archana Teacher 2018
    70 Kavita Sonawne Entrepreneur 2017
    71 Khapre Rohini Joined Coaching Classes 2017
    72 Anil Shirsath Advocate 1994
    73 Mahesh Valvi Clerk 2018
    74 BorseDilip Pharma Company 2014
    75 Mrunal Kadam Pharmacy Officer, 2015
    76 Swapna More Entrepreneur 2014
    77 Manisha Satale Joined Classes 2017
    78 Bhamre Yogita Bhaskar Joined Classes 2019
    79 Khambayat Vijay Prabhakar Entrepreneur 2019
    80 Khambayat Vijay Prabhakar Entrepreneur 2019
    81 Dipak Thoke Teacher 1994
    82 Pankaj Thakre Teacher 2006
    83 DinkarMahale Teacher 2003
    84 Yogesh Mahale Teacher 2004
    85 Ravi Patil Entrepreneur 1994
    86 Sangita Patil Entrepreneur 1994
    87 Sunita Ingle Teacher 2016
    88 Rohan Ravindra Joshi Asst-Manager 2016
    89 Rupali Aware Teacher 2021
    90 Harshwardhan Solse Entrepreneur 2020
    91 Ramesh Thakare Entrepreneur 2019
    92 Sunil Padvi Entrepreneur 2018
    93 Bilamji Pawara Teacher 2020
    94 Asif Saikh Teacher- Private Coaching 2020
    95 Archana sadashiv jopale Entrepreneur 2019
    96 Avhad mangala vishnu Clerk 2020
    97 Khetade Mangesh B. Entrepreneur 2019
    98 Bagul Jayshree Chhotu Entrepreneur 2020
    99 Bahiram Rupali Pundlik Entrepreneur 2020
    100 Bharsat Mukesh Eknath Entrepreneur 2020


    • The Department has started Research Centre in English.
    • The Department provides U.G and P.G. Programmes.
    • The Department conducts Certificate Course and Add on Course in English.
    • ICT Based Teaching-Learning Methods.
    • Well Equipped Language Laboratory with Orel Talk Software
    • Department has a good collection of films, educational DVD’s and CD’s.
    • Experienced, Research Oriented and proficient faculty members maintaining strong bond and high level of interaction with students.
    • The students are encouraged to explore beyond their prescribed curriculum by exposing them to various seminars, Webinars, Guest talks, lecture series etc.
    • Departmental Library with more than 400 books.
    • Future Plans

    • To organize National Level Seminar on Research Methodology.
    • To organize workshop for Non Teaching Staff on Written Communication.
    • To increase student participation in academic, extra-academic, extension and research activities.
    • To connect the department more strongly with the alumni.
    • Collaboration with reputed educational institutions and organizations.

    State Level Conference Organized

    State level conference is organized by the department on Postcolonialism and Eco criticism on 5th & 6th Feb 2016. In the conference Dr.Milind Malshe,IIT,Powai was the Chief-Guest,and Dr. SatishDeshpande, BAMU Aurangabad, Dr.Shobha Shinde,North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon,Dr.Mabel Fernandis, BAMU Aurangabad, Prin. Dr.A.P. Patil, Ozar College, Dr.Seema Bhaduri,HPT College, Dr.Chetan Deshmane,HPT. were the resource persons.

    State Level Seminar on “Digitalization of English Language and Literature Teaching” on 30th Jan. 2018 11 research scholars presented the research papers on different topics related with the theme of the seminar. Prof. Kishore Nikam was the convener and Dr. Sandeep Wagh was the Coordinator of seminar. The resource persons were as follows

    • Dr. MilindMalshe, IIT Powai
    • Dr. B. S. Valke
    • Principal Dr. P.R.Bhabad
    • Dr. Anjali Gautam
    • Dr. Chetan Deshmane

    Workshops Organized

    The faculty of the department organized a workshop for junior college teachers in teaching the new syllabus for XII std class on Nov. 12 and 13, 2007

    Net-Set workshop was organized by the department for PG students from (Jan.18) 2012-13.The following Resource Persons guided our students for 2nd & 3rd paper of NET/SET.

    Sr. No Name of the Resource Person Year
    1 Prof. Parmar, Niphad College, Nashik 2012-13 (18th Jan.)
    2 Prof. Dnyaneshwar Chavan Sakri, Dhule 2013-14
    3 Prof. Trupti Sapkale, LVH 2013-14
    4 Prof. Kishore Nikam, LVH 2013-14
    5 Prof. Pratibha Ghuge, Nashik 2015-16 (19th Mar)
    6 Prof. Swapnil Alhat, Nashik 2015-16
    7 Prof.Swapnil Alhat, LVH College, Nashik. 2016-17 (16th Feb.)
    8 Prof. Anil Awchare, LVH College, Nashik. 2016-17
    9 Dr. Sandeep Wagh LVH College, Nashik. 2017-18
    10 Prof. Kishore Nikam LVH College, Nashik 2017-18
    11 Prof. Swapnil Alhat LVH College, Nashik. 2017-18

    Extension Service

    The faculty of the department participated in spoken English and communication skill programms to provide training for newly appointed judges in Nashik court from Aug.6, 2008 to Aug. 12, 2008.

    The faculty was involved in teaching to classes such as M.Sc. Zoology Part I – English for Scientists and BCS - Enriching Oral and Written Communication and now Visionary Gleam.

    The faculty has taken some grammar classes for 11th & 12th std. students in the academic year 2016-17

    The Innovative Practices

    The following innovative practices have been followed by department of English.

    • ICT methodology has been introduced (Internet Computer Technology)
    • Audio-visual centre has been started.
    • Language programms, movies, plays are screened frequently according to their need & syllabus.
    • Exercises in listening and speaking skills are given by using lingua-phone machines and computer software (Language lab).
    • Books are issued regularly to the students and staff.
    • ‘A certificate course in English for Business’ has been started since 2007-08.
    • The students are availed of opportunity to have wider exposure to the English language, newspapers (The Times of India) & the periodicals,Journals are displayed in the department.
    • The students are encouraged to write creatively such as short stories, poems,articles etc. for the College Annual ‘Parijat’.
    • In the academic year the students took part in intercollegiate soliloquy Competition held at HPT College on Commemorating Shakespeare 400. PallaviPawar ,M.A.II students bagged 1st prize of Rs.1000/- & also won Best Team Trophy in the competition.
    • The students are deputed for paper presentation at inter collegiate level.In the year 2016-17 five students of the department took part in Paper Presentation Competition & Rahul Nair (S.Y.B.A) won second prize of 1000/- Rs.& Mahendra Gaikwad ( M..II) Received consolation prize in it.
    • In the academic year 2016-17, Eleven students of the department took part in various debating & elocution competitions held at different places.
    • In the academic year 2017-18 two students of MA II won best paper award at Paper Presentation Competition held at BRD Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nashik-Road, Nashik; Anam Shaikh won the first prize in Best Paper Category and Asmita Rupawate won Second Prize in same Category.
    • The department organized Guest Lecture Series for PG students since the year 2013-14.The following Resource Persons Delivered lectures for PG students in these series.
    Sr. No Name of the Resource Person Topic Year
    1 Dr. Vilas Salunkhe, Nashik Shakespearean Drama 2012-13
    2 Dr. Anjali Gautam, Bitcocollege King Lear 2012-13
    3 Dr. Mohini Gurav, Nashik Spencerian Sonnets 2013-14
    4 Dr. Chetan Deshmane, HPT Elizabethan Age 2014-15
    5 Dr. Sanjay Pagare ,Akole Basic structure of Noun Phrase 2013-14
    6 Dr. Ashok Chaskar,Pune Credit System 2013-14
    7 Dr. Seema Bhaduri, HPT King Lear 2016-17
    8 Prof.Vinaya Kelkar, KTHM American Poetry 2016-17
    9 Prof Vakil, Chandwad The Spanish Tragedy 2016-17

    Teaching Faculty

    Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
    1 Prof. Sarala Sanap Head of Department &Associate Professor M.A (SET)Pursuing Ph.D. 20 View/Read
    2 Dr.Kishore Nikam Associate Professor M.A.(NET) Ph.D. 17 View/Read
    3 Dr.Sandip Wagh Assistant Professor M.A. (SET)Ph.D. 13 View/Read
    4 Dr.Rajani Patil Assistant Professor M.A., B.ED. P. h 28 View/Read
    5 Dr.Manisha Gaikwad Assistant Professor M.A., M.Phil.Ph.D. 28 View/Read