Faculty of Science

About the Department

The Department of Chemistry offers UG Program in Chemistry and PG Programs in Physical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. The department has a recognized Research Centre of Savitribai Phule Pune University and offers Ph.D. Program in Chemistry. Cutting-edge research is the distinguishing feature of the department. The department has qualified and research-oriented faculty with publications in UGC-CARE-listed,SCOPUS and Web of Science journals. The faculty have published books, and chapters in the book and published the patents as well. The faculty of the department are the recipients of the Best Teacher and Best Principal Awards of SPPU and MGV and work as reviewers of reputed Journals. The faculty also work on different bodies of the affiliating university as the Member of Academic Council and Chairman, the Board of Studies. The department strives for the holistic development of the students with all innovative teaching-learning methods like experiential learning, hands-on training and field visits. Chemistry Software and Advanced ICT tools like LCD Projector and interactive Whiteboards are used for effective learning. The department has a tradition of Gold Medalist students and University Rank Holders. Every year the department conducts the Best Chemistry Student Competition with the aim to revise the subject knowledge of the students. The department is well aware of its social obligations and conducts outreach activities through the demonstration of experiments and practical for the students of higher secondary school. The department runs a short-term job-oriented Certificate course in Winery.

Features of the Department

  • Experienced and research-oriented faculty.
  • A strong focus on effective teaching and experiential and on-field learning
  • Innovative teaching methods that include Special Guest Lectures, Interactive Teaching-learning Tools, Stereochemistry Models, Use of LCD Projectors, Demonstration of Instruments, Chem-Draw Software, Gaussian Software, Microscale Techniques for Practical, Question Raising and Solving, Hands- on Training on Instruments, Assignments, Seminars, MCQ solving, Regular tutorials, etc.
  • A well-equipped laboratory with advanced instruments such as GM Counter, pH meter, Conductometer, potentiometer, Photocatalytic reactor, Rota evaporator, etc.
  • The students of the department are GoldMedalists and University Rankers.
  • The students of the department are placed in various academic and industrial sectors.
  • Good student progression with the students pursuing research
  • Best chemistry student competition is organized every year since 2010-11.
  • Participation of the students in the Chemiad Exam and competitive exams like NET/SET/GATE and Avishkar competition
  • National and international collaboration for expert talks ofinternational scientists and for internship and placement of the students

    Incentives for Learning through the Best Chemistry Student Competition

    Objectives of the Practice:

  • 1. To revise the basic concepts of Chemistry.
  • 2. To update the subject Knowledge of the students.
  • 3. To encourage students to apply the subject knowledge in day-to-day life.
  • 4. To develop an ability for critical and analytical thinking.
  • 5. To create a competitive spirit among the students.
  • 6. To avail an incentive to motivate students.

The Context:

Chemistry is basic science. With the knowledge of Chemistry, we can understand the surrounding around us in a better way. It can explain to us the process of evolution and the origin of living organisms on the earth. The functioning of the human body depends upon the chemical mechanism which Chemistry can exemplify in the most convincing way. The whole edifice of medical science depends upon Chemistry. Chemistry is the greatest asset of pharmaceuticals. It is also used by and large in agriculture, industry, and energy generation. Thus, the knowledge of Chemistry is applicable in every walk of human life. Many times, the students seem to be unaware of the practical application of the knowledge of Chemistry in various fields. They have all theoretical knowledge only. Therefore, in order to make their basic concepts clear and to motivate them for the practical application of Chemistry, the Department of Chemistry conducts a competition of the Best Chemistry Student.

The Practice:

The Department of Chemistry has been conducting the Best Chemistry Student competition since the academic year 2010. It is conducted in the mid of the year when students are well acquainted with the discipline knowledge. Initially, the students who wish to participate in the competition are enrolled. The competition is for the final year UG students and first and second year of PG students. It is conducted class-wise and the Best Chemistry Student is selected from every class. Basically, it is a quiz competition that follows all modern and innovative methods of conducting quiz competitions. It is full of thrill and excitement also. The interest of the students is sustained till the end through different rounds of the competition.

There are many rounds in this competition that work as a filtration process to select students for the Best Chemistry Student award. The first round is a Selection Round for which a written test is conducted. It is an objective test with 100 multiple-choice questions. These MCQs are based on the syllabus the students have studied so far. There is a negative marking scheme to evaluate the answer sheets of the students. This is the very first filter round where a considerable number of the students are eliminated as the scope of the questionnaire is vast with a negative marking scheme. Out of the Selection Round, the toppers are shortlisted and divided into teams.

The second round is the Rapid-Fire Round in which participants are supposed to answer a particular set of questions within the stipulated period of time. There is no negative marking in this round. The next is a Buzzer Round with a negative marking scheme. The team that blows the buzzer first is eligible for the answer. The next round is a Drawing Round in which the students are supposed to draw certain Chemistry related structures. The subject knowledge as well as the skills of drawing structures is assessed through this round.

The final round is the Practical Knowledge Round where basic subject knowledge, as well as the applicability of the knowledge, is tested. In this way, the students are scrupulously evaluated on the basis of their in-depth knowledge of the subject. There are cash –prizes for the winners of the competition. The winner is declared as the Best Chemistry student and is conferred with the cash prize of Rs.1000. The second runner-up is given the cash prize of Rs.500. The prizes of the competition are sponsored by the Head of the Institute Prin. Dr. B. S. Jagdale.

Evidences of Success:

The Best Chemistry Student Competition is the most popular competition in the department. The students are seen preparing for the competition right from the first year itself. The eligible students participate in the competition with great enthusiasm. The competition helps to develop their critical and logistic thinking. It also helps for the total evaluation and the department can locate the advanced learners through the competition. It also creates a competitive spirit among the students making them familiar with different techniques of the competitions. The faculty of the department gets busy setting the questionnaire as well as different sets of questions. The overall impact of this is that students are trained to digest more and more of the subject knowledge. They are sensitized to key areas and try to learn them effectively. The Best Chemistry Student competition has boosted the result of the department as the students are keenly focused on basic subject knowledge.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Encouraging students to participate in the competition and enrolling them in the competition is definitely one of the challenges. Though there are many students at UG and PG levels, there are a few students willing to participate in the competitions. Setting a question paper for the written test is another challenge. This question paper has to be based on the syllabus of UG and PG syllabi and yet it has to be new every time and altogether different than the earlier one which sometimes seems to be difficult. Setting questionnaires for the buzzer round is also difficult and the faculty has to be well-studied to be able to avoid repetitions. Sustaining the interest of the students throughout the competition is also a challenge.

Notes (Optional)
  • Nil
  • year link
    2016-17 view
    2017-18 view
    2018-19 view
    2019-20 view
    2020-21 view
    2021-22 view
    2022-23 view

    Extension Activities

    Sr. No Name of the activity Report
    1 Moving Science Laboratory and Practical Demonstration View
    Sr. No. Name of the MoU / Collaboration / linkage Name of the collaborating agency Year of signing MoU / collaboration / linkage List the actual activities under each MOU and web -links year-wise
    1 “Creation of R & D Culture in Electronic Materials among SC/ST and Women Students in Maharashtra” Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Panchawati, Off Pashan Road Pune : 411 008. Tel. : 020-25898141,25898390, Fax : 020-25898180 2020-2022 Click here
    2 Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nashik MGV's Pharmacy College 2011-12 Click here
    3 Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce College, Nashik Sanjeevani Laboratory & Ent. Nashik 2021-22 Click here


    Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Patil Pragati Prakash
    2 Gavit Ramesh Dhavali
    3 Shinde Priyanka Nitin
    2018-19 1 Khinchi Sangita.B.
    2 Chakor Ravindra.R.
    3 Bagul Manohar
    2019-20 1 Shinde Siddhant
    2 Khan Rehana
    3 Kasture Priya
    2020-21 1 Ugale Vaishali
    2 Sharma Suman
    3 Jayesh Pawar
    2021-22 1 Shivade Akansha.N.
    2 Khan Aisha.N.
    3 Inamdar Aqsa.R.


    Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Sangale Archana .D.
    2 Joshi Sayali.P.
    3 Singh Sonam.R.
    2018-19 1 Pedhekar Luxman.S.
    2 Thete Shital.E.
    3 Dugad Arti.H.
    2019-20 1 Kute Arti
    2 Khambait Hemant
    3 Aher Mohan
    2020-21 1 Khalkar Pravin
    2 Bacchav Snehal
    3 Dubey Neha
    2021-22 1 Shaikh Aaliya .A.
    2 Pagar Tejaswini.R.
    3 Chavan Pandit.M.


    Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Desale Priyanka.R.
    2 Magar Mansi.H.
    3 Sangale Manisha.T.
    2018-19 1 Bhalekar Shraddha.H.
    2 Pathare Chancal
    3 Patil Shital
    2019-20 1 Priyanka Shinde
    2 Thakare Mahesh
    3 Khairnar Dhanshree
    2020-21 1 Pawar Pratik
    2 Jaiswal Mayuri
    3 Hire Shubham
    2021-22 1 Pandey Luvkush.V.
    2 Deore Vaibhavi.B.
    3 Tiwari Sagar.G.


    Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Gori Faiyaz Nabu
    2 Patel Mamata .P.
    3 Chaudhari Geeta.K.
    2018-19 1 Patil Gopal Balu
    2 Rathod Riddhi .R.
    3 Sangale Abhishek.A.
    2019-20 1 Patil Pragati
    2 Gavit Ramesh
    3 Gupta Nidhi
    2020-21 1 Khan Irfan
    2 Shendge Aishwarya
    3 Suryawanshi Nikhil
    2021-22 1 Khan Rehana.A.n
    2 Khan Rukhsana.A.
    3 Dhage Poonam.S.
    Photo Name of the Faculty Award University / Institute /Agency
    Dr.B.S.Jagdale (Principal) Best Principal Award-2023 Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
    Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Science Maharashtra Academy of Science
    Asia Pacific Excellence Award International Institute of Education and Management.
    Prof. Dr. K.H. Kapadnis(Professor) Best teacher award Panchavati Sarvajanik vachanalaya, Nashik
    National level Best teacher Samajik prabodhan award Yuva Shakti Samjik Sanstha, Nashik
    Samata fellowship award Yuva Shakti Samjik Sanstha, Nashik
    Mr.S.A.Ahire (Assistant Professor) Best Teacher Award-2020 Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir, Nashik.
    Dr. S.S.Chobe(Assistant Professor) 1) Young Scientist Award-2022
    2)Young Scientist Award-2021
    1.InSc International, Bengaluru
    2.National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi
    Dr. V.A. Adole (Assistant Professor) Bentham Science Ambassador Bentham Science Publishers


  • 1.Experienced faculty with cutting-edge research and patents at their credits.
  • 2.ICT -Based and innovative teaching-learning methods.
  • 3.Well-equipped laboratories with advanced instrumentation for research and innovation.
  • 4.Comprehensive efforts for the holistic development of students.
  • 5.National and international linkages. searchers.
  • Future plan

    • To build more research linkages for quality research.
    • To organize National and International conferences in collaboration with national and international linkages.
    • Training in various chemistry software
    • To start the ADD-ON course in chemistry.
    • To increase Industry-Academia interaction.
    Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Email
    1 Prin.Dr.B.S.Jagdale Principal [email protected]
    2 Prof.(Dr).K.H.Kapadnis Professor [email protected]
    3 Prof.(Dr.)T.B.Pawar Professor [email protected]
    4 Mr.S. A.Ahire Assistant Professor [email protected]
    5 Mrs.N.V.Sadgir Assistant Professor [email protected]
    6 Dr.S.S.Chobe Assistant Professor [email protected]
    7 Dr.V.A.Adole Assistant Professor [email protected]
    8 Dr.S.L.Dhonnar Assistant Professor [email protected]
    9 Mrs.S.P. Jadhav Lecturer [email protected]
    10 Mrs.A.B.Saunke Lecturer [email protected]
    11 Mrs.A.S.Deshmukh Lecturer [email protected]
    12 Mrs. G.K.Chaudhari Lecturer [email protected]
    13 Mrs.C.H.Kshirsagar Lecturer [email protected]
    14 Mrs.T.R.Pagar Lecturer [email protected]
    15 Miss.A.A.Shaikh Lecturer [email protected]

    Top Alumni

    Name of alumni Designation Year of Passing
    Mr.Kolhe Roshan Madhukar Founder of Implant Crop Care 2017
    Dr. Dave Bhushan Naresh Sr. Research Associate 2009
    Dr.Kahandal Sandeep Santu Assistant Professor 2005
    Dr. Jain Anandkumar Balchand R & D Manager 2009
    Mr.Gunge Chetan Baban Assistant Chemical Analyzer,(Class II- Gazzeted) 2011
    Dr. Adole Vishnu Ashok Assistant Professor 2010
    Dr.Dhonnar Sunil Laxman Assistant Professor 2011
    Dr. Bhausaheb Nanasaheb Patil Sr. Research Associate 2013
    Mrs.Nutan Vitthal Sadgir Assistant Professor 2006
    Miss.Gorde Kaveri Gangadhar Assistant Chemical Analyzer,(Class II- Gazzeted) 2013
    Miss. Borse Rohini Gangadhar Assistant Professor 2012
    Mr.Gavit Ramesh Dhavalu Project assistant HPCL 2020
    Mr.Gorankar Pushpak Sanjay Executive assistant to MD and CEO, NMPML (SPV of nashik /td> 2017
    Mr.More Prashant Suresh Director, AgriTek Agrospeciality Products 2018
    Mr.Mahale Bhagwan Nandu Assistant Professor 2018
    Dr. Vrushali Shyamrao Shinde Assistant Professor 2012
    Mr.Jagtap Rahul Anna Sr. Research Associate 2011
    Mr.Beldar Manoj Suresh PA to MoS H&FW 2012

    Research Centre Details

    a. Year of Introduction: 2011-12
    b. Highlights
    • The research centre for Ph. D affiliated to the The research centre is affiliated with the Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune
    • The research centre for Ph. D affiliated to the
    • The research center is affiliated with the Savitribai Phule Pune University,
    • Pune
    • Enriched research culture.
    • Cutting-edge research addressing the needs of society
    • Outstanding research output with the faculty publishing patents
    • Advanced equipment for research
    c.Areas of Research:

    Physical Chemistry

    • Thermodynamic study of binary, ternary liquid mixtures and electrolyte, non-electrolyte solutions..
    • Density, viscosity and related parameters of solutions.

    Organic Chemistry

    • Organic Synthesis..
    • Green synthesis
    • Computational organic chemistry - Density functional theory Study using Gaussian 03 W software.

    Inorganic Chemistry

    • Synthesis and characterization of Schiff base compounds followed by their biological screening
    • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

    Environment Chemistry

    • Residual pesticide determination from various vegetables and fruits

    Research Guides

    Sr. No. Name of the guide Year of recognition
    1 Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. 2013
    2 Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. 2013
    3 Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. 2018
    4 Dr. Chobe S. S. 2019
    5 Dr.AdoleV.A. 2021
    6 Dr. Desale B. S. 2021
    7 Dr. Ghotekar D. S. 2018
    8 Dr. R H. Waghchaure 2023
    9 Dr. N. V. Sadgir 2023

    Ph.D. Scholars Registered

    Sr. No. Name of the scholar Name of the guide Title of the thesis Degree awarded Year of award of degree
    1 Vishnu A. Adole Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis of Thia, Aza and Oxa Heterocyclic Compounds, Their Biological and Theoretical Study YES 2020
    2 Sandip S. Pathade Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis, Characterization, Pharmacological and Theoretical Study of Heterocyclic Compounds YES 2021
    3 Kailaspati Jadhav Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Study of Spectral, Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Akyl and Aromatic Esters and Ethers with 2- Pentanol at Different Temperatures YES 2021
    4 Ravindra H. Waghchaure Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis of Metal oxide nanoparticles, their Characterization, applications in Gas sensing and Organic conversion YES 2022
    5 Sunil L. Dhonnar Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis, Characterization, Density Functional Theory and Biological Study of Nitrogen Heterocycles YES 2022
    6 Rahul A. Shinde Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis and Computational Study of Chalcone and Thiazole Derivatives of Antimicrobial Interest YES 2022
    7 Nutan V. Sadgir Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis, Characterization and DFT study of Aza, Oxa and Thia Cyclic Compounds as Antimicrobial Agents YES 2023
    8 Raghunath K. Sonawane Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Study of ultrasonic velocity, spectroscopic properties (IR & NMR), viscosity and density of sugars (dextrose, lactose, maltose & sucrose) in aqueous solution of (NaF, NaI, KF & KI) at various temperatures YES 2023
    9 Shital P. Jadhav Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Synthesis And Characterization Of Ni(II),Cu(II) and Zn(II) Complexes With Schiffbases Ligand And Study off Antimicrobial Activity YES 2023
    10 Rohit M. Nikam Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Preparation and characterization of SnO2 thick solid films with different additives prepared by standard screen-printing method YES 2023
    11 Abhijit R. Bukane Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis, Biological Activity and Density Function Theory Study of Aza Heterocyclic Compounds Pursui ng
    12 Bhagyashri Waghmanre Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis, Characterization, Biological Activity and Density Functional Theory Studies of Some Novel Heterocyclic Compounds Perusing
    13 Abhijit A. Gaikwad Dr. Ghotekar D. S. Synthesis and Characterization of Chromenes, Benzodiazepines, Pyrazolines and 2- Chloro Quinolines Heterocyclic Compounds and Study of their Antimicrobial Activities Perusing
    14 Keshav B. Gangurde Dr. Ghotekar D. S. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of novel coumarin based five membered heterocycles Synop sis submit ted
    15 Satish A. Ahire Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Synthesis of modified semiconducting nanocatalyst for environmental remediation and synthesis of thiazole and pyrimidine derivatives YES 2023
    16 Rohit S. Shinde Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Design, Synthesis and Characterization of Pure and Doped Nanostructures, their Applications in Dye Degradation & Organic Synthesis Synop sis submit ted
    17 Mansi H. Magar Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Synthesis characterization and environment application of pure and doped metal oxide nanomaterials Perusing
    18 Archana B. Dhongade Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Green Synthesis, Computational study and biological screening of Oxygen and Nitrogen containing heterocyclic derivatives Perusing
    19 Aditya V. More Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Synthesis , Characterization , Antimicrobial and Computational Study of Nitrogen and Sulfur Containing Heterocyclic Compounds Perusing
    20 Deepali R. Sali Prof. (Dr.)Pawar T. B. Synthesis Of Conducting Polymer Supported Metal Perovskite And Their Application As Photocatalyst And Energy Storage Perusing
    21 Atul D. Tidke Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Synthesis of chalcones and Schiff bases containing nitrogen heterocycle, their antimicrobial and computational investigation Perusing
    22 Mahendra Thomare Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Synthesis of transition and non-transition element modified semiconducting metal oxide nanomaterials for photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes Perusing
    23 Trupti B. Shinde Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Perusing
    24 Heman S. Deshmukh Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Design and synthesis of some novel nitrogen containing heterocyclic compounds and their biological evaluation Perusing
    25 Jagdish S. Gangurde Dr.S.S.Chobe A greener approach to the synthesis of aza, oxa and thia heterocycles of pharmacological interest Perusing
    26 Charushila C. Nerkar Dr.S.S.Chobe Perusing
    27 Geeta K. Chaudhari Dr.S.S.Chobe Synthesis and characterization of nanostructure metal oxides for gas sensing and antimicrobial screening applications Perusing
    28 Rahul A. Jagtap Dr.S.S.Chobe Design, Synthesis and Biological Significance of Heterocyclic Pharmacophores Perusing
    29 Lalita C. Gorade Prof. B.S.Desale Biosynthesis of nanomaterials and their applications in antimicrobial and photocatalysis studies Perusing
    30 Sunita B. Tore Prof. B.S.Desale synthesis of transition metal doped semiconducting metal oxide nanoparticles for photocatalytic applications Perusing
    31 Minakshi D. Birari Dr. Adole V.A. Carbon nanotubes functionalized C3N4@ inner transition metal oxide core shell heterogenous catalysts for photocatalysis, gas sensing and organic conversions Perusing
    32 Yuvraj R. Sable Dr. Adole V.A. Synthesis, antibacterial and antifungal study of 2-(2-hydrazinyl)thiazole derivatives Perusing
    33 Lata B. Gaikwad Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Synthesis of heterocyclic appended new chalcones of antimicrobial interest. Perusing
    34 Sumaiyya Rajjak Sayyad Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Doped semiconducting metal oxide decorated carbonaceous materials for advanced oxidation based photo degradation of organic contaminants from water Perusing
    35 Sagar Khandu Shinde Dr. Adole V.A Synthesis of pyrazole coupled thiozole derivatives and their antimicrobial evaluation Perusing
    36 Sonali Mahadev Thakur Dr. Adole V.A Transition Metal oxide core shell nanomaterials: Synthesis characterization and photocatalytic applications in organic contaminant removal. Perusing
    37 Satyam Sham bakare Dr. R H Waghchaure Synthesis characterization and photocatalytic applications of transition and non-transition element doped ZnO nanomaterial for dye degradation. Perusing

    Research Projects Completed

    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    1 Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Synthesis, Theoretical and Anti- bacterial/Fungal Activity Studies of New Fluorinated Heterocyclic Compounds UGC(WRO) 1,65,000 2013-14
    2 Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Development of Analytical procedures for residual Pesticide Determination on various vegetables using GC. and GC.MS BCUD SPPU, Pune 1,45,000/- 2010-11
    3 Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. “Synthesis, characterization and theoretical studies of intramolecular hydrogen bonded compounds” BCUD SPPU, Pune 1,00,000/- 2010-11
    4 Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. “Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds (especially Coumarin and Quinazolinesderivatives) and their theoretical studies”. Universities Grants Commission (UGC) 1,30,000/- 2013-14
    5 Dr. N. V. Sadgir Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds derived from Chalcones UGC 2,80,000 2017-18

    On-Going Projects

    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    Dr. Chobe S. S. Synthesis of Insilico Investigation azoles analogues as a potent antifungal agents BOD, Research Cell, SPPU,Pune 2,00,000 2019

    Research Papers Published

    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications View details
    1 Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. 72 61 BSJ
    2 Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. 110 54 KHK
    3 Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. 55 29 TBP
    4 Prof.S.A.Ahire 19 16 SAA
    5 Dr. Sadgir N. V 22 17 NVS
    6 Dr. Chobe S. S. 37 26 SSC
    7 Dr.AdoleV.A 65 55 VAA
    8 Dr. Dhonnar S. L. 14 10 SAA
    9 Dr. S.P.Jadhav 6 6 SPJ

    Research Projects

    Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Minor Project Completed Minor Project ongoing Financing Authority
    1 Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. 01 00 UGC
    2 Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. 01 00 UGC
    3 Dr. Pawar T. B. 02 00 UGC & B.C.U.D
    4 Mr. Kadam V. V. 02 00 UGC & B.C.U.D
    5 Dr. Chobe S. S. (Vice Principal) 00 01 Research Cell BOD, SPPU Pune
    6 Mrs. N. V. Sadgir 01 00 UGC

    Book/Chapters published

    Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters published Title of the paper National / International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher
    1 Dr.Bapu Sonu Jagdale and Nutan Sadgir chapter edited in book entitled "platinum jubilee of Indian Independence :Relevance of Gandhian Ideology" Gandhi vichar and vrtupatre National 2021 978-81-949467-0-0 Sanyog Publication
    2 Dr. Bapu Sonu Jagdale and Dr.Vishnu Ashok Adole Chemistry Concepts Through MCQ Approach International 2022 978-9355741837 Walnut Publication
    3 Dr. Bapu Sonu Jagdale’
    Dr. Thansing Bhavsing Pawar and Dr.Vishnu Ashok Adole
    Intermediates and Rearrangements in Organic Synthesis, International 2016 2016 978- 93- 5262- 001-2 Himalaya Publishin g House
    4 Prof.Dr.Kailas Kapadnis Inorganic and organic Chemistry” Inorganic and organic Chemistry University Level 2020 978- 938950 1667 Prashant publication
    Density and Viscosity of Sugars in Aqueous Electrolytes Interna tional 2020 978-3- 659- 35881- 4 Lambert publicatio n Germany.
    Endosulfan toxicity study on fish. Interna tional 2020 978-3- 659- 37218- Lambert publicatio n Germany.
    Residual pesticides from fruits and vegetables. Interna tional 978-3- 659- 85294- 7 Lambert publicatio n Germany.
    Inorganic and organic Chemistry” Inorgani c and organic Chemist ry Univer sity Level 2020 Prashant publicatio n
    “Practical Chemistry” Univer sity Level 2021 ISBN- 978- 93- 5158- 082-9. Success publicatio n
    “Physical and Analytical Chemistry”. Univer sity Level 2021 978- 93- 5158- 142-0 Success publicatio n
    “Inorganic Univer sity Level 2021 978-- 93- 5158- 379-0. Success publicatio n
    Physical and Analytical Chemistry Univer sity Level 2021 978- 93- 84916- 99-2. Success publicatio n
    Inorganic and organic Chemistry Univer sity Level 2021 978- 93- 895016 67. Prashant publicatio n
    Inorganic and organic Univer sity Level 2021 978939 048362 4 Prashant publicatio
    Inorganic Chemistry Univer sity Level 2021 978939 1669 Prashant publicatio
    Inorganic Chemistry Univer sity Level 2021 978939 242544 8 Prashant publicatio
    Inorganic Chemistry Univer sity Level 2021 978939 242544 8 Prashant publicatio
    5 Mr.Satish A. Ahire Practical Handbook of Chemistry - University Level 2021 978-93-87020-95-5 Success Publications
    6 Mr. Satish A. Ahire Practical Handbook of Chemistry - University Level 2021 978-93-86951-53-3 Success Publications
    7 Dr. Santosh S. Chobe Fundamentals of Functional Group - National 2018 978-97-87317-61-0 -
    8 Dr. Santosh S. Chobe Spectroscopic Methods of Organic Compounds - National 2018 978-97-87317-61-1 NA

    Patents/Copyrights Published/Filed

    Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Title of the patent/copyright Date of filing Year of award of certificate View details
    1 Prof. (Dr.) Kapadnis K. H. Patent filed, file no.:201921032508A, Title: Methods for preparation of perovskites Mn2 CeO6 Nanoparticles. 10/11/2019 file no.:201921032508A,
    2 Prin. Dr. Jagdale B. S. Prof. (Dr.) Pawar T. B. Dr. V.A. dole Synthesis of Novel Compound (E)-4-(2-(2-(1,2,6,7-Tetrahydro-8H-indeno[5,4-b]furan-8- ylidene)hydrazineyl)thiazol-4-yl)benzonitrile 17/09/2019 2020 -
    3 Dr. V.A. dole Synthetic reactor fitted with rotatable Fresnel lenses to perform multiple organic reactions and photocatalysis of dyes and pesticides 15/06/2022 - -
    4 Dr. S.S.Chobe A greener process for the preparation of sulfonamide chalcone derivatives as potent antifungal agent Granted Patent No. 277772 10/1/2012 2016 -
    5 Solar power base automatic vehicle for water transportation- N0.-201621042273 18/6/2016 2022 -
    6 Synthesis and studying of the optical parameters of polyvinyl pyrrolidone/sic nanoparticles-No-202221003379 No-202221003379 2022 -
    7 The influence of silver- nitrate and silver- nanoparticles on the creation of biofilms- instaphylococcus- aureus. No-202221005311 2022 -
    8 A new green synthesis and characterization of silver-nanoparticle. No-202221008143 2022

    Conferences Organized

    Sr. No Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 Emerging Trends in Chemistry and Nanosciences. (ETCN-2017) National Conference 20 and 21 January 2017 -
    2 “Innovations in teaching, learning and evaluation in higher education” ( ICITLE-2019) International Conference 23-24 January 201 ICITLE-2019
    3 “Current Research in Chemistry and Nano Sciences” (CRCNS-2022) International Conference 18th to 20th January2022 CRCNS-2022

    Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

    Sr. No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 How to file a patent 28th Feb 2019 Patent
    2 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) National 23rd Oct 2021 IPR
    3 Research Methodology National 25th to 29th Oct 2021 Research Methodology
    4 Ph. D. Course work on research methodology State 30 th January 2023 to 28 th February 2023 Ph. D. Course work
    Programme POs,PSOs and COs
    B.Sc. view
    M.Sc Physical Chemistry view
    M.Sc Organic Chemistry view
    M.Sc Inorganic Chemistry view
    Ph.D view
    Certificate course in Winery view

    F.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry (USC-I)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I USC(CH-101) Physical Chemistry
    II USC(CH-102) Organic Chemistry
    III USC(CH-103) Chemistry Practical Course I


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    IV USC(CH-201) Inorganic Chemistry
    V USC(CH- 202) Analytical Chemistry
    VI USC(CH-203) Practical Chemistry Course II

    S.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry (USC-II)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I USC(CH-301) Physical ad analytical chemistry
    II USC(CH-302) Inorganic and Organic chemistry
    III USC(CH-303) Practical chemistry


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    IV USC(CH-401) Physical and Analytical Chemistry
    V USC(CH-402) Inorganic and Organic chemistry
    VI USC(CH-403) Practical Chemistry

    T.Y.B.Sc. Chemistry (USC-III)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I USC(CH-501) Physical Chemistry-I
    II USC(CH-502) Analytical Chemistry I
    III USC(CH-503) Physical Chemistry Practical-I
    IV USC(CH-504) Inorganic Chemistry-I
    V USC(CH-505) Industrial Chemistry
    VI USC(CH-506) Inorganic Chemistry Practical-I
    VII USC(CH-507) Organic Chemistry –I
    VIII USC(CH-508) Chemistry Of biomolecule
    IX USC(CH-509) Organic Chemistry Practical-I
    X USC(CH-510B) Polymer Chemistry
    XI USC(CH-511A) Environmental Chemistry


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I USC(CH-601) Physical Chemistry-II
    II USC(CH-602) Physical Chemistry III
    III USC(CH-603) Physical Chemistry Practical-II
    IV USC(CH-604) Inorganic Chemistry-II
    V USC(CH-605) Inorganic Chemistry-III
    VI USC(CH-606) Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II
    VII USC(CH-607) Organic Chemistry-II
    VIII USC(CH-608) Organic Chemistry-III
    IX USC(CH-609) Organic Chemistry Practical-II
    X USC(CH-610A) Introduction of Forensic Chemistry
    XI USC(CH-611B) Analytical Chemistry –II

    M.Sc.-I Chemistry (PSC)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHP-110) Fundamental of physical chemistry
    II PSC(CHI-130) Molecular Symmetry and Chemistry of Main Group Elements
    III PSC(CHO-150) Basic Organic Chemistry
    IV PSC(CHG-190) General Chemistry Section-II
    V PSC(CHP-107) Basic Practical Chemistry-I


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHP-210) Physical Chemistry-II
    II PSC(CHI-230) Inorganic Chemistry-II
    III PSC(CHO-250) Organic Chemistry-II
    IV PSC(CHG-290) General Chemistry-II
    V PSC (CHP-227) Basic Practical Chemistry-II

    M.Sc.-II Organic Chemistry (PSCO)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHO-350) Organic reaction mechanism and Biogenesis
    II PSC(CHO-351) Structure Determination of Organic Compounds by Spectroscopic Methods
    III PSC(CHO-352) Stereochemistry and asymmetric Synthesis of Organic Compounds
    IV PSC(CHO-353) Protection Deprotection, Chiron Approach and Carbohydrates Chemistry
    V PSC(CHO-354) Solvent free reaction


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHO-450) Chemistry of natural product
    II PSC(CHO-451) Organometallic Reagents in Organic Synthesis
    III PSC(CHO-452) A) Medicinal chemistry
    IV PSC(CHO-453) Ternary Mixture separation, carbohydrate synthesis and Isolation Natural Products and Project

    Course M.Sc.-II Physical Chemistry (PSCP)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHP-310) Quantum and solid-state chemistry
    II PSC(CHP-311) Nuclear radiation and polymer chemistry
    III PSC(CHP-312) Physicochemical methods of analysis
    IV PSC(CHP-313) Photochemistry and Techniques in polymer chemistry
    VI PSC(CHP-314) Physical chemistry practical I


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHP-410) Molecular structure and spectroscopy
    II PSC(CHP-411) Surface chemistry and electrochemistry
    III PSC(CHP-412) Biophysical chemistry and special topic in nuclear and radiation chemistry
    IV PSC(CHP-413) Physical chemistry practical III
    V PSC(CHP-414) Physical chemistry practical II

    Course M.Sc.-II Inorganic Chemistry (PSCI)


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHI-330) Organometallic and Homogeneous catalysis
    II PSC(CHI-331) Inorganic Reaction Mechanism
    III PSC(CHI-332) Bioinorganic and Medicinal inorganic chemistry
    IV PSC(CHI-333) Modern Instrumental methods in inorganic chemistry
    VI PSC(CHI-334) Modern methods of inorganic Analysis


    Paper No Course code Name of the course
    I PSC(CHI-430) Heterogeneous catalyst and its application
    II PSC(CHI-431) Inorganic nanomaterials
    III PSC(CHI-432) Material science
    IV PSC(CHI-433) Project
    V PSC(CHI-434) Inorganic Instrumental analysis and computer application,

    State Level Conference Organized

    State level conference is organized by the department on Postcolonialism and Eco criticism on 5th & 6th Feb 2016. In the conference Dr.Milind Malshe,IIT,Powai was the Chief-Guest,and Dr. SatishDeshpande, BAMU Aurangabad, Dr.Shobha Shinde,North Maharashtra University,Jalgaon,Dr.Mabel Fernandis, BAMU Aurangabad, Prin. Dr.A.P. Patil, Ozar College, Dr.Seema Bhaduri,HPT College, Dr.Chetan Deshmane,HPT. were the resource persons.

    State Level Seminar on “Digitalization of English Language and Literature Teaching” on 30th Jan. 2018 11 research scholars presented the research papers on different topics related with the theme of the seminar. Prof. Kishore Nikam was the convener and Dr. Sandeep Wagh was the Coordinator of seminar. The resource persons were as follows

    • Dr. MilindMalshe, IIT Powai
    • Dr. B. S. Valke
    • Principal Dr. P.R.Bhabad
    • Dr. Anjali Gautam
    • Dr. Chetan Deshmane

    Workshops Organized

    The faculty of the department organized a workshop for junior college teachers in teaching the new syllabus for XII std class on Nov. 12 and 13, 2007

    Net-Set workshop was organized by the department for PG students from (Jan.18) 2012-13.The following Resource Persons guided our students for 2nd & 3rd paper of NET/SET.

    Sr. No Name of the Resource Person Year
    1 Prof. Parmar, Niphad College, Nashik 2012-13 (18th Jan.)
    2 Prof. Dnyaneshwar Chavan Sakri, Dhule 2013-14
    3 Prof. Trupti Sapkale, LVH 2013-14
    4 Prof. Kishore Nikam, LVH 2013-14
    5 Prof. Pratibha Ghuge, Nashik 2015-16 (19th Mar)
    6 Prof. Swapnil Alhat, Nashik 2015-16
    7 Prof.Swapnil Alhat, LVH College, Nashik. 2016-17 (16th Feb.)
    8 Prof. Anil Awchare, LVH College, Nashik. 2016-17
    9 Dr. Sandeep Wagh LVH College, Nashik. 2017-18
    10 Prof. Kishore Nikam LVH College, Nashik 2017-18
    11 Prof. Swapnil Alhat LVH College, Nashik. 2017-18

    Extension Service

    The faculty of the department participated in spoken English and communication skill programms to provide training for newly appointed judges in Nashik court from Aug.6, 2008 to Aug. 12, 2008.

    The faculty was involved in teaching to classes such as M.Sc. Zoology Part I – English for Scientists and BCS - Enriching Oral and Written Communication and now Visionary Gleam.

    The faculty has taken some grammar classes for 11th & 12th std. students in the academic year 2016-17

    The Innovative Practices

    The following innovative practices have been followed by department of English.

    • ICT methodology has been introduced (Internet Computer Technology)
    • Audio-visual centre has been started.
    • Language programms, movies, plays are screened frequently according to their need & syllabus.
    • Exercises in listening and speaking skills are given by using lingua-phone machines and computer software (Language lab).
    • Books are issued regularly to the students and staff.
    • ‘A certificate course in English for Business’ has been started since 2007-08.
    • The students are availed of opportunity to have wider exposure to the English language, newspapers (The Times of India) & the periodicals,Journals are displayed in the department.
    • The students are encouraged to write creatively such as short stories, poems,articles etc. for the College Annual ‘Parijat’.
    • In the academic year the students took part in intercollegiate soliloquy Competition held at HPT College on Commemorating Shakespeare 400. PallaviPawar ,M.A.II students bagged 1st prize of Rs.1000/- & also won Best Team Trophy in the competition.
    • The students are deputed for paper presentation at inter collegiate level.In the year 2016-17 five students of the department took part in Paper Presentation Competition & Rahul Nair (S.Y.B.A) won second prize of 1000/- Rs.& Mahendra Gaikwad ( M..II) Received consolation prize in it.
    • In the academic year 2016-17, Eleven students of the department took part in various debating & elocution competitions held at different places.
    • In the academic year 2017-18 two students of MA II won best paper award at Paper Presentation Competition held at BRD Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nashik-Road, Nashik; Anam Shaikh won the first prize in Best Paper Category and Asmita Rupawate won Second Prize in same Category.
    • The department organized Guest Lecture Series for PG students since the year 2013-14.The following Resource Persons Delivered lectures for PG students in these series.
    Sr. No Name of the Resource Person Topic Year
    1 Dr. Vilas Salunkhe, Nashik Shakespearean Drama 2012-13
    2 Dr. Anjali Gautam, Bitcocollege King Lear 2012-13
    3 Dr. Mohini Gurav, Nashik Spencerian Sonnets 2013-14
    4 Dr. Chetan Deshmane, HPT Elizabethan Age 2014-15
    5 Dr. Sanjay Pagare ,Akole Basic structure of Noun Phrase 2013-14
    6 Dr. Ashok Chaskar,Pune Credit System 2013-14
    7 Dr. Seema Bhaduri, HPT King Lear 2016-17
    8 Prof.Vinaya Kelkar, KTHM American Poetry 2016-17
    9 Prof Vakil, Chandwad The Spanish Tragedy 2016-17


    • Our department faculties, P.G. and U.G. students actively participated in demonstration of Science Experiments in Science association programme.
    • Workshop and seminars are organized by the department which promotes high standard in college education by extending facility to teachers, students and researchers.
    • Every year there is organization of “Best Chemistry Student competition” (BCS) for UG and PG students by attractive prizes which generate interest in chemistry.
    • The BCS competition includes Poster presentation oral presentation and Chemistry Quiz.
    • The 2011 year was celebrated as International Year of Chemistry (IYC) under the unifying theme “Chemistry our life, our future,” Through this theme we organize an Oral Presentation competition for post graduate students of chemistry at inter college level.
    • Research methodology workshop was organised by department for M.Sc. Chemistry students to adopt the research culture among the students.
    • NET/SET workshop conducted and running every year for P.G.Students
    • Department smoothly running industrial visit every year UG and PG level as a part of syllabus.
    • Students Participated in Various cultural and social activities.

    Photo Gallery

    Teaching Faculty

    Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
    1 Prin.Dr.B.S.Jagdale Principal M.Sc. , Ph.D. 30 View/Read
    2 Prof.Dr.K.H.Kapadnis Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. 34 View/Read
    3 Prof.(Dr.)T.B.Pawar Professor M.Sc.,Ph.D. 30 View/Read
    4 Mr.S. A.Ahire Assistant professor M.Sc., NET 15 View/Read
    5 Dr.N.V.Sadgir Assistant professor M.Sc., NET Ph.D. 12 View/Read
    6 Dr.S.S.Chobe Assistant professor M.Sc., Ph.D 09 View/Read
    7 Dr.V.A.Adole Assistant professor M.Sc., NET,SET,Ph.D 12 View/Read
    8 Dr.S.L.Dhonnar Assistant professor M.Sc.,NET,Ph.D 10 View/Read
    9 Mrs.S.P. Jadhav Lecturer M.Sc.,PET 10 View/Read
    10 Mrs.A.B.Saunke Lecturer M.Sc.,NET,SET 4 View/Read
    11 Smt. C. K. Nerkar Assistant professor M.Sc., SET,. 3 View/Read
    12 Mrs. G.K.Chaudhari Lecturer M.Sc. 2 View/Read
    13 Mrs.C.H.Kshirsagar Lecturer M.Sc. 1 View/Read
    14 Mrs.T.R.Pagar Lecturer M.Sc. 1 View/Read
    15 Miss.V.S.Shejwal Lecturer M.Sc. 1 View/Read
    16 Miss.V.B Deore Lecturer M.Sc. 1 View/Read
    19 Miss.S.N.Wagh Assistant professor M.Sc. 1 View/Read