National Service Scheme (Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Govt. of India)
The college has a Unit of National Service Scheme (NSS) affiliated with the Department of
National Service Scheme, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. The NSS unit was established
in 1974. The NSS Unit has 250 NSS Volunteers. The Unit has three Program Officers viz. a chief
Program Officer and an Assistant Program Officer to execute the activities of NSS in an effective
manner. There is also a female Program Officer who is also a Women’s Representative. The Unit
is run under the guidance of the principal of the college.
The Unit is inspired by the Motto of the National Service Scheme i. e Not Me, But You. The
Unit has its own Calendar of Activities prescribed by the Affiliating University. The activities
prescribed in the Calendar are social activities specially focused to reach out to society. These
activities include the celebration of various National /International days, cleanliness campaigns,
environmental awareness projects, and orientation of the society through NSS Volunteers. The
NSS Unit of the college conducts all the activities prescribed in the Activity Calendar.
Apart from the prescribed calendar, the NSS Unit also conducts a few activities like Blood
Donation Camp and Tree- Plantation drives on the occasion the Birthday of the Coordinator,
MGV Dr. Apoorva Hiray. Under the project Eco-Friendly Immersion of Lord Ganesh, the
volunteers collected the idols to prevent water pollution. The unit conducts health awareness
programs like HIV / AIDS awareness program. During Covid 19 Pandemic the volunteers
participated in a Vaccination awareness drive and distributed masks. Every year the Unit adopts
a neighborhood village and conducts welfare activities in that village.
The students participating in NSS Unit are called as NSS Volunteers as they are inspired by the
concept of Dignity of Labour. After the completion of Two-Years of NSS -Service the volunteers
get the certificate of participation. As per the provision of affiliating University under Ordinance
163, the volunteers are eligible for grades for their contribution to social service.
Features of NSS Unit
- A separate NSS Department
- 250 student enrollment capacity
- Competent and dynamic Program -Officers.
- Conducting social welfare and extension activities
- Continuously reaching out to the native society
- Focus on understanding the native society.
- Identifying the problems faced by society and finding out rational solutions for it.
- Developing communication skills of the students
- Developing Team-Spirit and Leadership qualities of the students
- Achieving holistic development of the students through the inculcation of
different values.
NSS Committee
Photo |
Name |
Document |
Dr. M.P.Pagar |
Dr. Arun Pandurang Wanarase |
Dr. Agnes John Kharat |
N.S.S. Regular Activities
Research Publications
Title of paper |
Name of the author/s |
Name of journal |
Year of publication |
ISSN number |
Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal |
अस्तित्वशोधाचा प्रवास सरोवर |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Aksharyatraa |
Feb. 2022 |
Nil |
समकालीन मराठी कादंबरी |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Reaserch journy |
Feb. 2022 |
2348:7143 |
समकालीन समाज वास्तव आणि मराठी कविता |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Abhisaran |
Mar-22 |
2229:4856 |
स्रीयांच्या आत्मकथनातील सांस्कृतिक संघर्ष |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
sanshodhan |
Mar-22 |
2394:5990 |
कोरा कागद निळी शाई बालसाहित्य समीक्षा |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Book |
Dec. 2021 |
978-93-85565-46-5 |
इनसायडर – २ |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Book |
Dec-21 |
978-81-951637-9-3 |
वृतांतलेखन |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Book |
Dec-19 |
978-93-25019-22-1 |
रा. रं. बोराडे यांची किशोर कादंबरी |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Book |
Aug-19 |
978-21-926471-9-66 |
भिल्ली लोकसंस्कृतीचा अभ्यास |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Akshar Vadmay |
Feb-20 |
Nil |
माझे गाव आणि सरपंच |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Antar Bharati |
Nov-19 |
Nil |
कोरोना कडीबंदी आणि संधी |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
Sahitya savana |
Dec-20 |
Nil |
गुगल अॅप्स व गुगल च्या विविध सेवा |
Dr. Prakash Shewale |
Reaserch journy |
Jul-21 |
2348:7143 |
एकांकिकेचे घटक |
Dr. Prakash Shewale |
Vidyavarta |
Sep. 2021 |
2319-9318 |
पुढल्या हाका |
Dr. Prakash Shewale |
Akshar Vadmay |
Dec. 2021 |
Nil |
अनुष्टुभ नियतकालिकाचे योगदान |
Dr. Prakash Shewale |
Book |
Dec. 2021 |
978-93-85565-46-5 |
सुरेश भट एक कलंदर व्यक्तिमत्व |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Indians Strems Research Journal |
Jul-14 |
2230-7850 |
विंदा करंदीकरांच्या कवितेचे वेगळेपण |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Golden Reseach Thoughts |
Aug-14 |
2231:5063 |
वसंत बापटांच्या प्रवासवर्णनातील वेगळेपण |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
Dec. 2016 |
2348:7143 |
साहित्य सिनेमा आणि पटकथालेखन |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
Jan-17 |
2348:7143 |
बहिणा कादंबरीतील भाषाशैली |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
Feb-17 |
2348:7143 |
गावकडा आणि गावगाड्याचे बदलते स्वरूप |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Vidyavarta |
Jun-17 |
2319-9318 |
साहित्य आणि वृत्तपत्र एक अनुबंध |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
Dec. 2017 |
2348:7143 |
स्पर्धा परीक्षा व मराठी अभ्यासक्रम |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
Jan. 2018 |
2348:7143 |
आचार्य अत्रे : साहित्य आणि जीवनधर्म |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Printing Area |
Apr-18 |
2394-5303 |
सावरकरांच्या कवितेतील राष्ट्रीयत्व |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Vidyavarta |
Mar-18 |
2319-9318 |
लोकसाहित्याचे संशोधन |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Vidyavarta |
Mar-18 |
2319-9318 |
साहित्यकृतीची शोध समीक्षा |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
AMI Research jurnal |
Apr-18 |
2278-5655 |
दलित साहित्य समीक्षा |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Vidyavarta |
Dec-18 |
2319-9318 |
साहित्य आणि सामाजिक शास्रे अनुबंध |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
Jan. 2019 |
2348:7143 |
गोंधळी |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Akshar Vadmay |
Feb-20 |
2229-4929 |
लोकसाहित्याचे उपासक |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Reaserch journy |
May-20 |
2348:7143 |
महाराष्ट्र लोकसंस्कृती |
Dr. Kiran Pingale |
Tifan |
Jun-20 |
UGC Listed |
वाड्मय प्रकारची सैध्धान्तिक रचना |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Prociding |
Feb. 15 |
978-93-85021-25-1 |
२१ व्या शतकातील स्रीचा भाषासंवाद |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Jan. 2015 |
2394-2649 |
सन २००० नंतरचे मराठी वाड्मय |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Prociding |
Feb-16 |
गांधी विचारांची गरज |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Prociding |
Apr-16 |
नव्वदोत्तरी लक्षवेधी आत्मकथन समिधा |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Prociding |
Jun-16 |
NIl |
माझा प्रवास मराठीतले पहिले प्रवासवर्णन |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Prociding |
Dec-16 |
NIl |
ग्रामीण व दलित साहित्य: एक अभ्यास |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Prociding |
Jan-17 |
मराठी भाषा आणि साहित्य |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Reaserch journy |
Sep-16 |
2348:7143 |
लोकसाहित्य लोकनाट्य लावणी |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Reaserch journy |
Aug-16 |
2348:7143 |
बोरकरांची प्रेमकविता |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Reaserch journy |
Mar-18 |
2348:7143 |
महात्मा फुले यांचे साहित्य आणि विचार |
Dr. Minakshi Patil |
Reaserch journy |
feb 2019 |
2348-7143 |
Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Webinar organized
Book Published
Sl. No. |
Name of the teacher |
Title of the book/chapters published |
National / International |
Year of publication |
ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding |
Affiliating Institute at the time of publication |
1 |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
बालसाहित्य आकलन आणि समीक्षा |
National |
-- |
978-93-83627-16-9 |
M.G. Vidyamandirs, L.V.H. College Pnchavati |
2 |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
होय तेव्हाही गाणे असेल |
National |
-- |
978-93-83627-26-1 |
M.G. Vidyamandirs, L.V.H. College Pnchavati |
3 |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
कोरा कागद निळी शाई |
National |
-- |
978-93-85565-50-2 |
M.G. Vidyamandirs, L.V.H. College Pnchavati |
4 |
Prof. Vidya Surve |
इनसायडर |
National |
-- |
978-93-85565-50-2 |
M.G. Vidyamandirs, L.V.H. College Pnchavati |
5 |
Dr. P.K.Shewale |
अनुष्टुभ नियतकालिकाचे वाड्मयीन योगदान |
National |
2021-22 |
978-93-85565-46-5 |
M.G. Vidyamandirs, L.V.H. College Pnchavati |
Awards /Recognitions
Year |
Name of the award/ Medal |
Team / Individual |
University/State/National/ International |
Sports/ Cultural |
Name of the student |
1 |
मातोश्री स्नेहप्रभा तौर पुरस्कार |
Individual |
State Level Balsahitya Award. |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
2 |
नरेंद्र मारवदे स्मृती पुरस्कार |
Individual |
State Level Litreture Award |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
3 |
कादवा शिवार पुरस्कार |
Individual |
State Level Award. |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
4 |
लीलावती भागवत समीक्षा पुरस्कार |
Individual |
State Level Award. |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
5 |
मसाप समीक्षा पुरस्कार |
Individual |
State Level Award. |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
6 |
कालकवितेच्या बनात पुरस्कार |
Individual |
State Level Award. |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
7 |
Short Listed In. |
Individual |
Sahitya Academy Award For Childrens Literature |
Cultural |
prof. vidya Surve |
8 |
कै. सुहासिनी लद्दू पारितोषिक |
Individual |
University |
Research |
Dr. P. K.Shewale |
9 |
कै. श्री. के. क्षीरसागर सुवर्णपदक |
Individual |
University |
Research |
Dr. P. K.Shewale |
10 |
उकृष्ठ विद्यार्थी विकास मंडळ जिल्हा समन्वयक |
Individual |
University |
Cultural |
Dr. P. K.Shewale |
Contribution of alumni:
- Worked as resource person and guiding UG and PG students of our department.
- Donate books and instruments.
- 22 Thousand rupees contribution of alumni
Top Alumni
Sr. No. |
Name of the Alumni |
Year Of Passing |
Class |
1 |
Pagi Kailas Deoram |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
2 |
Patil Manisha Rajendra |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
3 |
Bhoye Mamata Indrakumar |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
4 |
Prof. Sujata AherGangurde Vrushali Shivaji |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
5 |
Deshmukh Yogesh Chintaman |
2017-2018 |
2018-19 |
6 |
Mahale Varsha Dadaji |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
7 |
Mahale Jayesh Sadu |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
8 |
Shinde Jayshree Rajendra |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
9 |
Bawa Swapnil Himmat |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
10 |
Nimbalkar Prtibha Krishna |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
11 |
Wagh Akshay Bhagwan |
2017-2018 |
T.Y.B.A |
12 |
Atul Ramnath Padol |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
13 |
Vaibhav Sampat Pekhale |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
14 |
Ajay Sanjay Kalaskar |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
15 |
Patil Kirti Motilal |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
16 |
Kale Jay Ramesh |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
17 |
Chitte Mayuri Rajendra |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
18 |
Bagul Sangita Soma |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
19 |
Chaudhari Hemant Bansu |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
20 |
Bosare Priyanka Uttam |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
21 |
Kapadne Sapna Dipak |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
22 |
Gaikwad Anil Tukaram |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
23 |
Seema Sanjay Bhagure |
2018-2019 |
T.Y.B.A |
24 |
Kandekar Shivani Rajaram |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
25 |
Dhikale Rekha Hiraman |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
26 |
Aarti Uttam Jadhav |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
27 |
Mohatmal Amol Madhukar |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
28 |
Deshpande Rupesh Sunil |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
29 |
Khairnar Chetan Vilas |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
30 |
Thalkar Umesh Chandar |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
31 |
Khirari Sapana Tulshiram |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
32 |
Bhavnath Vaishali Bhausaheb |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
33 |
Langhi Kapaleshwar Kisan |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
34 |
Magar Manasi Anil |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
35 |
Kumawat Poonam Prakash |
2019-2020 |
T.Y.B.A |
36 |
Chaudhari Mina Ramdas |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
37 |
Kunde Chhaya Kashinath |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
38 |
Awari Bhavesh Vishnu |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
39 |
Sunsuna Shivani Sunil |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
40 |
Shaikh Ajijuddin Salahuddin |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
41 |
Ghatul Sopan Uddhav |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
42 |
Kusumbe Gaurav Kailas |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
43 |
Gavit Hemant Mulji |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
44 |
Dhuvare Chetan Minanath |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
45 |
Shubham Kailas Wagh |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
46 |
Thepane Madhuri Eknath |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
47 |
Kisan Baba Kuwar |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
48 |
Sananse Pankaj Vijay |
2020-2021 |
T.Y.B.A |
49 |
Vikas Ramdas Chavan |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
50 |
Vaishnavi Vilasrao Shinde |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
51 |
Santosh Nivrutti Gawali |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
52 |
Vishal Devidas Konde |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
53 |
Durga Hari Ahire |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
54 |
Kamesh Suresh Mandlik |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
55 |
Yogesh Mohan Sole |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
56 |
Rushikesh Dattatray Talekar |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
57 |
Maya Gokul Patil |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
58 |
Pushpak Sahebrao Solunke |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
59 |
Mangesh Balu Salve |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
60 |
Ravina Narayan Chaudhari |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
61 |
Umesh Bharat Aher |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
62 |
Harish Manoj Vetal |
2021-2022 |
T.Y.B.A |
63 |
Gaikwad Yogesh Hemraj |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
64 |
Lamte Nanda Chandar |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
65 |
Page Sunil Shivaji |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
66 |
Thakare Rohini Sahebrao |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
67 |
Suryawanshi Roshani Narendra |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
68 |
Gaikwad Shobha Sudhakar |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
69 |
Rautmale Arun Pandurang |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
70 |
Shirsath Priyanka Suresh |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
71 |
Gangurde Sangita Virden |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
72 |
Bhoye Mohan Ananda |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
73 |
Raut Vinod Popat |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
74 |
Nikam Apurva Vijay |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
75 |
Suryawanshi Reshma Genu |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
76 |
Nikale Kajal Arun |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
77 |
Sable Sagar Ramesh |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
78 |
Jadhav Yuvraj Ashok |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
79 |
Khurkute Jayshri Pandit |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
80 |
Shewale Hemlata Sayajirao |
2019-2020 |
M.A |
81 |
Deore Ankita Bhagwan |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
82 |
Roshana Dnyaneshwar Chavan |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
83 |
More Priyanka Atmaram |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
84 |
Bagul Yogita Sakharam |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
85 |
Nikule Nirmal Ramesh |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
86 |
Malkapure Mayur Prakash |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
87 |
Potinde Dipak Sanjay |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
88 |
Kunde Lahu Somnath |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
89 |
Gawali Ramdas Krushana |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
90 |
Wagh Dnyaneshwar Jayram |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
91 |
Padvi Nilima Vitthal |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
92 |
Bambale Ganesh Khanderao |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
93 |
Gavali Pravin Laxman |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
94 |
Jadhav Vikas Sanjay |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
95 |
Gaikwad Priya Sadashiv |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
96 |
Thavil Pramod Sunil |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
97 |
Bharsat Satish Prakash |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
98 |
Bhoye Kunal Subhash |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
99 |
Gaikwad Chhaya Somnath |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
100 |
Bhoye Manisha Harichandra |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
101 |
Waghmare Aasha Karshinath |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
102 |
Bhoye Harshala Raghunath |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
103 |
Agiwale Somnath Ananda |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
104 |
Thorat Priyanka Arvind |
2020-2021 |
M.A |
105 |
Supare Ajay Dilip |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
106 |
Tambe Aniket Pandurang |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
107 |
Sahani Anjali Phulchand |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
108 |
Gaikwad Archana Vishnu |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
109 |
Suryawanshi Ashwini Pandit |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
110 |
Bhoye Madhuri Gangaram |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
111 |
Bodhare Manoj Sudam |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
112 |
Garel Maya Ravindra |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
113 |
Jagtap Mayuri Devidas |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
114 |
Jadhav Mohan Purushotam |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
115 |
Dhondge Nikhil Madhukar |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
116 |
Bhoye Nilesh Shankar |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
117 |
Patil Pallavi Anil |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
118 |
Sonavane Prakash Namdev |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
119 |
Jejurkar Pratiksha Sanjay |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
120 |
Gavit Priyanka Prakash |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
121 |
Albad Pushpa Tukaram |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
122 |
Mhatre Reshma Vilas |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
123 |
Jejurkar Ruchita Balasaheb |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
124 |
Chavan Rutika Popatrao |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
125 |
Gangurde Sagar Sahebrao |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
126 |
Gomase Sandhya Rajendra |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
127 |
Ahire Snehal Vijay |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
128 |
Baraf Surekha Mangalu |
2021-2022 |
M.A |
Linkages & Collaborations/ MOU’s
Organisation with which MoU is signed. |
Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house |
Year of signing MoU |
Duration |
List the actual activities under each MOU year wise |
Number of students/teachers participated under MoUs |
Vyakhyanmala, sanvadkaushalye v margdarshanachi devan ghevan |
Sanvad, sanskrutik kala Kendra Nashik |
2020-21 |
5 Years |
Vyakhyanmala, sanvadkaushalye v margdarshanachi devan ghevan | |
T.Y.B.A. Marathi
Year |
Rank |
Name of the student |
2017-18 |
1 |
Bhoye Mamata I. |
2 |
Gangurde Vrushali S. |
3 |
Nimbalkar Pratibha K. |
2018-19 |
1 |
Padol Atul R. |
2 |
Patil Kirti M. |
3 |
Bhagure Seema S. |
2019-20 |
1 |
Jejurkar Ruchita B. |
2 |
Nibalkar Pratibha K. |
3 |
Mohatmal Amol M. |
2020-21 |
1 |
Patil Varsha R. |
2 |
Khandavi Nitin T. |
3 |
Gangode Rani P. |
2021-22 |
1 |
Patil Maya G |
2 |
Waykande Pratika P. |
3 |
Jagtap Rani B. |
M.A. Marathi
Year |
Rank |
Name of the student |
2019-20 |
1 |
Thakre Rohini S. |
2 |
Nikam Apoorva V. |
3 |
Gaikawad Yogesh H. |
2020-21 |
1 |
Palavi Madan P. |
2 |
Bhangare Ravindra L. |
3 |
Deore Ankita B. |
2021-22 |
1 |
Jejurkar Pratikasha S. |
2 |
Jejurkar Ruchita B. |
3 |
Gomase Sandhya R. |