All Department

Linkages & Collaborations/ MOU’s

Sl. No. First Party - (LVH College Nasik.) PG Department . Second Party -(Name of Organization/Company/College Industry) Industry) Name & Designation of Contact Person. Date & Year of Sig
1 Botany Department. Organic Mushroom Valley- S K. Oyster Mushroom Industry Chandori Nasik. Mr. Satish Kharat –CEO (Mob -7264090681)
2 Botany Department. Jai Biotech Industry D-29 MIDC Ambad . Nasik-7 Mr. C .Santaram (Ph.0253-2355599) 15/03/2021
3 Botany Department. Cyton Foods, Dwarka Nasik. Mr. Chetan Pathak 28/02/2022
4 Botany Department. Alpha Tissue Culture Services. Mr. Lalit Patil. (8669662172) 10/02/2021
5 Botany Department. Srujan Biotech Ltd. A/Post- Pimplas Ramache Niphad Dist Nasik. At/Po-Pimplas Ramache Dindori Nasik Mr. Lalit Patil. (8669662172) 07/06/2021

Linkages & Collaborations/ MOU’s

Sl. No. Title of the collaborative activity Name of the collaborating agency with contact details Name of the participant Year of collaboration Duration Nature of the activity Link to the relevant document
1 MOU Jay Biotech MIDC, Satpur Nasik.7. 1) Bhoye Ramdas. 2021 05 Years(Till-2026) Research, Training, view
2 MOU S K Oyster Mushroom Farm. 1) Tathe Sadhana.
2.) Mrs. Neeta Nevkar
10/02/2021 05 Years Project Work view
3 MOU Cyton Foods Nasik 1) Jopale Mohan. 17/08/2021 05 Years. Project work view
4 MOU Srujan Biotech. A/P-Pimplas Ramache.Tal- Dindori Nasik. 1) Sandip S. Rukari.
2) Mis. Hemangini S. Gavit.
07/06/2021. 05.Years. Project work view
5 MOU Alpha Tissue Culture Services Pvt Ltd. Talegaon Dabhade,Pune.7 ------------ 10/02/2022. 05.Years Project Work. view

Best Practices Activity Year No of Participants Link
1 Tree plantation drive by P. G. Department of Botany and research center under the Nature Club of Botany 2021-22 40 view
2 College campus- Plants Geo- mapping 2021-22 30 view
3 Poster presentation Competition 2020-21 97 view
4 Poster presentation Competition 2019-20 40 view
5 Poster presentation Competition 2018-19 25 view
6 Tree plantation drive by P. G. Department of Botany and research center under the Nature Club of Botany 2018-19 30 view
7 Tree plantation drive by P. G. Department of Botany and research center under the Nature Club of Botany 2017-18 50 view

Restoration of the Ecosystem through Drives for Biodiversity

Objectives of the practic
  • 1.To sensitize students to the beauty and bounty of nature.
  • 2.To awaken ecological concerns amongst students.
  • 3.To sensitize students to Eco-system in the nature.
  • 4.To protect the flora and fauna of nature.
  • 5. To preserve the ecological balance of nature.
  • To prevent conservation of the natural resources
  • The Context:

    The well-being of mankind depends upon a sound ecosystem. There has been a lot of deterioration of the planet earth due to the massive loss of biodiversity. It has created an ecological imbalance. Global warming and sudden climate change are recurrent issues in the cycle of nature. Due to industrialization and population explosion, natural resources are getting exhausted. Man has used them greedily without a second thought for the next generation. Deforestation and urbanization have destroyed the natural habitat of the birds. The habitat of wildlife is also in danger. We could not preserve the natural landscape and seem to be altogether failed in preventing soil erosion. Plastic waste has clogged the earth. E-waste and chemical waste have affected the fertility of the land. On this background, the preservation of biodiversity is our utmost concern. Because our shelter and other needs like food, fuel, medicine and clean air depend on biodiversity

    The Practice:

    To restore the ecosystem of nature the Department of Botany has established a ‘Nature Club’. Through the Nature Club, the department conducts various activities that make students aware of the ecology around us. The faculty in the Department continuously encourages the students to preserve nature. To make the students aware of the flora and fauna of nature the department has undertaken the activity of the Geo-mapping of the trees on the college campus. The intention is obviously to connect the students with nature and to make them familiar with the trees and plants around them. It seems that today’s generation is detached from nature as there are many things that keep them engaged. The Geo-mapping of the trees is nothing but communion with nature to increase intimacy with nature.

    The next activity is a tree –plantation drive and every year the students of the department plant different trees and saplings. Apart from that the department also arranges poster- presentation competition with the theme of Enlightenment on Different Aspects of Nature. The department has also organized various webinars to make students aware of the different issues related to the restoration of Biodiversity. The first webinar was a One Day State Level webinar on Biodiversity and its Applications. The aim of the webinar was to increase public awareness about Biodiversity through media, government agencies and NGOs. The deliberations in the webinar focused that the damage to biodiversity is always on a massive scale and the whole society has to bear the consequences of it. For a pollution-free environment, the department has organized a second One Day State level webinar on Clean Energy Resources. The thrust area of the webinar was ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. It has also covered the topics like energy conservation and solid waste management.

    The third Webinar that the department organized was a One Day National Webinar on Ecosystem Restoration which offered students Glimpses of Biodiversity in India and insights into Ecosystem Damage and its Restoration. The fourth initiative of the department was a One Day Webinar on Wild Life Protection Act. The webinar was arranged in collaboration with the Department of Forest, Nasik. The deliberations in the webinar informed students about endangered wild species and the legal provisions to save wildlife. The department also celebrated Science Day with the theme of Plastic Ban, Sound, Air and Water Pollution. Thus, the department has undertaken many activities to restore biodiversity.

    Evidence of Success

    The students with the support of the faculty have established Nature’s Club and have become eco-friendly. There is Geo-mapping of all the trees on the college campus. The students are familiar with the trees and the plants around them as they have searched for the scientific names of those trees. They are now nature friendly. They know the concept of biodiversity and its significance in ecological balance. They have realized the interconnectivity and dependability of all species on the earth. They are familiar with the beautiful instances of biodiversity in India. They are aware of the rare plants as well as the endangered species of wildlife. They are also sensitized to the laws for wildlife. They are sensitized to natural resources that are getting exhausted. Now they follow three Rs of waste management. i.e Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They explore alternate energy resources and follow the correct methods of waste management. They are keen on different types of pollution like plastic waste, air, sound and water pollution. They enthusiastically participate in poster presentation competitions and come out with innovative posters on biodiversity, pollution, rare trees, different parts of the tree, different types of leaves etc.

    Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

    It seems that the young generation is too occupied with technology and different gadgets. It is challenging to detach them from technology and connect with nature. It has been observed that they like to read about nature on the internet but hardly find time to go back to nature and refresh themselves through nature. It is also observed that the other priorities like assignments, submissions, research and job opportunities have a strong hold on their mind and obviously nature becomes a secondary priority. Most of the students also consider nature preservation is a leisure time activity or something related to hobby or temperament. It is difficult to convince students that preservation of nature is our priority and responsibility of every human being.

  • The Nature Club has a constituted committee and periodical meeting of the committee are conducted.
  • Extension Activities

    Name of the activity Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Name of the scheme Year of the activity Number of students participated in such activities Link
    1.One Day State Level Online Webinar. J. Sadhubella Watumal Girls College Ulhasnagar World Biodiversity Day (22 May, 2021.) 2021 89 view
    2. One Day National, Level Online Webinar D. A. V. College, Kanpur (U.P.) & The New Science College Kolhapur (M.S.) World Environment Day. 2021 122 view
    3. One Day National, Level Online Webinar. Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University’s Institute of Petrochemical Engineering, Lonere-Raigad (M.H) Energy Conservation & Sold Waste Management. 2021 80 view
    One Day State Level Online Webinar. Dept of Conservator of Forest, Nasik. Wild Life Protection Act. 2021. 90. view
    Sr. No. Name of Faculty Designation Email ID
    1 Prof.(Dr) S.B.Shisode Professor
    2 Dr. S.S Tambe Assistant professor
    3 Mr. S.G. Sabale Assistant professor
    4 Miss. V.B. Motikari Lecturer
    5 Mr. U.S. Mahale Lecturer
    6 Miss. B.S. Chavan Lecturer

    T.Y.BSc. Botany Toppers List

    Year Rank Name of the Student
    2017-18 1 Walunj Rutuja Ramesh
    2 Borse Prafful Baldev
    3 Kahandole Harshada Gopal
    2018-19 1 Ahire Pradip Bharat
    2 Wagh Ashwini Dattu
    3 Karankal Indrayani Sopan
    2019-20 1 Gaikwad Raghunath Namdev
    2 Sahare Haridas Raghunath
    3 Tumbde Sachin Pandurang
    2020-21 1 Valhe Pallavi S.
    2 Sawant Onkar Pandurang
    3 Dhale Ashish A.
    2021-22 1 Kumawat Usha Parashram
    2 Gaikwad Ajay B.
    3 Kanoray Vedant A.

    M.Sc. Botany Topper list

    Year Rank Name of the Student
    2019-20 1 Kadam Pallavi Sharad
    2 Chavan Bhagyashri Sitaram
    3 Sonawane Urmila Ashok
    2020-21 1 Janekar Dhiraj
    2 Rukari Sandeep Sadashiv
    3 Gavit Hemangini Soniram
    2021-22 1 Waghmare Sachin Pandurang
    2 Pagar Ashish Dnyaneshwar
    3 Motkar Ashwini Bhaskar


    • Research-oriented faculty with significant research contributions in subject areas.
    • Well-equipped laboratory to conduct advanced research in Botany
    • Nature club and Botanical Garden with exotic, ornamental and medicinal plants
    • Collaboration with the industries for the experiential learning
    • A strong concern for environmental awareness
    • Future Plan

    •  To establish Nakshatra ( seasonal ) garden.
    •  To improve course & carrier Employability
    •  Plans to improve inclusiveness and Social Impact.
    •  Increasing the number of extension activities.
    •  To establish more collaboration with various industries for hands-on training and research
    •  To organize International, National conferences, seminars & workshops in collaboration with National and state linkages.
    Department Undergraduate Course Post Graduate Courses
    Botany PSOs and Cos PSOs and Cos

    F. Y. B. Sc.

    Course Course Code and Name of the Course
    CC BO-111 Plant Life and Utilization I BO-121 Plant Life and Utilization II
    CC BO-112 Plant Morphology and Anatomy BO-122 Principles of Plant Science
    CC BO-113 Practical based on BO 111 & BO 112 BO-123 Practical based on BO 121 & BO 122
    Course Course Code and Name of the Course
    CC BO-231 Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology BO-241 Plant Anatomy and Embryology
    CC BO-232 Plant Physiology BO-242 Plant Biotechnology
    CC BO-233 Practical based on BO 231 & BO 232 BO-243 Practical based on BO 241 & BO 242
    AECC EVS 231-Environment Awareness EVA 241-Environment Awareness
    AECC LA 231-English / Marathi LA 241- English / Marathi
    Course Course Code and Name of the Course
    DSEC BO-351 – Algae and Fungi BO-361 – Plant Physiology
    DSEC BO-352 - Archegoniate BO-362 - Biochemistry
    CC BO-353 – Spermatophyta and Paleobotany BO-363 – Plant Pathology
    DSEC BO-354 – Plant Ecology BO-364 – Evolution and Population Genetics
    DSEC BO-355 – Cell and Molecular Biology BO-365 – Advanced Plant Biotechnology
    DSEC BO-356 - Genetics BO-366 – Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
    DSEC BO-357 - Botany Practical Paper 1 BO-367 - Botany Practical Paper 1
    DSEC BO-358 - Botany Practical Paper 2 BO-368 - Botany Practical Paper 2
    DSEC BO-359 - Botany Practical Paper 3 BO-369 - Botany Practical Paper 3
    SEC BO-3510 – Medicinal Botany BO-3610 – Nursery and Gardening Management
    SEC BO- 3511 – Plant Diversity and Human Health BO-3611 - Biofertilizers

    M.Sc. Botany, Part –I,


    Sr.No Core Compulsory Theory Paper (CCTP) Choice Based Optional Paper (CBOP) Theory/ practical Credit Core Compulsory Practical Paper (CCPP)
    1 BOUT 111 Plant Systematics I - -
    2 BOUT 112 Cell Biology and Evolution - -
    3 BOUT 113 Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding - -
    4 - BODT 114 Theory. Pomoculture and Fruit Processing Technology 2 -
    - BODP 114 Practical Practical Paper based on BODT 114 2 -
    5 - - BOUP 115 Practical based on BOUT 111, BOUT 112 & BOUT 113

    M.Sc. Botany, Part-I, Semester-II

    Sr.No Core Compulsory Theory Paper (CCTP) Choice Based Optional Paper (CBOP) Theory/ practical Credit Core Compulsory Practical Paper (CCPP)
    1 BOUT 121 Plant Systematics II - -
    2 BOUT 122 Molecular Biology - -
    3 BOUT 123 Biochemistry - -
    4 - BODT 124 Theory. Floriculture and Nursery Management 2 -
    4 - BODP 124 Practical Practical Paper based on BODT 124 2 -

    M.Sc. Botany, Part-II, Semester – II

    Sr.No Core Compulsory Theory Paper(CCTP) Choice Based Optional Paper (CBOP) Theory/ practical Credit Core Compulsory Practical Paper (CCPP)
    1 BOUT 231 Computational Botany - -
    2 BOUT 232 Developmental Botany - -
    3 BOUT 233 Plant Physiology - -
    4 - BODT 234 Theory Plant Ecology 2 -
    - BODP 234 Practical Practical based on BODT 234 2 -
    5 - BOUP 235 Practical based on BOUT 231, BOUT 232 & BOUT 233

    M.Sc. Botany, Part II, Semester – IV

    Sr.No Core Compulsory Theory Paper(CCTP) Choice Based Optional Paper (CBOP) Theory/ practical Credit Core Compulsory Practical Paper (CCPP)
    1 BOUT 241 Botanical Techniques - -
    2 BOUT 242 Advanced Ecology - -
    3 - BODT 243 Theory Advanced Medicinal Botany 2 -
    - BODP 243 Practical Practical based on BODT 243 2 -
    4 - BODT 244 Theory Herbal Technology 2 -
    - BODP 244 Practical Practical P.G. Dissertation Project 2 -
    5 - - BOUP 245 Practical based on BOUT 241 & BOUT 242

    About the Department

    The Department of Botany runs UG, PG and Ph.D. Programs in Botany. The department has a recognized Research Centre affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University. The faculty in the department is experienced and research-oriented and publish their research in UGC -CARE listed Journals. The department regularly arranges Field -visits, Industrial visits, and Excursion tours to update students about the recent advancement in the field of Botany. The department has a significant contribution to nature conservation and conducts different drives to create environmental awareness among students. The department maintains a Botanical Garden with 700 ornamental and medicinal plants. The departmenthas also established a Nature Club and various activities are conducted through the club. The aim of the Nature Club is to create a sense of Eco-friendliness among students. The students have enlisted all the plants/ trees on the campus by geotagging them. The department has a special contribution to the beautification of the college campus and conducting a Green Audit of it. The department tries to reach out to the native society by availing consultancy to the local farmers regarding the nourishment of the plants. Occasionally the consultancy is availed to the students of Pharmacy regarding plants authentication.

    Features of the Department

    • Qualified and experienced faculty.
    • A well-equipped laboratory with advanced instruments for practical and Research.
    • Preservation of fossils in the form of specimens and slides
    • Enriched departmental librarywith a collection of textbooks, reference books, e-books, and Journals.
    • Use of different teaching methodologies to enhance the learning experience of the students
    • ICT -based teaching learning.
    • Botanical Garden to avail Experiential Learning to the students.
    • Establishment of a Nature -Club to create Eco-friendliness among students.
    • Organization of poster presentation competitions addressing various environmental issues.
    • Organization Seminars/conferences/webinars of different environmental issues.

    Research Centre Details

    a. Year of Introduction: 2020
    b. Highlights of the Research Centre
    • A pioneering Research Centre in Botany in the parent institute
    • Research-oriented faculty with a good number of research publications
    • Enriched departmental library to conduct advanced research in Botany.
    • Well-equipped laboratory with advanced instruments
    • Facilities of the Botanical Garden and Nature -Club that can be used as practical purposes
    c.Areas of Research:

    The department has a rich research culture and applied and useful research are conducted in medicine, the environment, and Biotechnology issues in and around Nashik District. The following significant research are conducted in the department.

    • Taxonomy
    • Anatomy
    •  Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
    • Ethnobotany and pharmacognosy
    • Phycology
    • Mycology and plant pathology
    • Taxonomy
    • Ethnobotany
    • Mycology
    • Phytochemistry
    •  Plant physiology
    • Plant Morphology and Anatomy
    • Phytosociology

    Research Guides

    Sr. No. Name of the guide Year of recognition
    1 Prof. Dr. N. B. Pawar 16/09/2019
    2 Prof. Dr. S. B. Shisode 10/10/2019
    3 Dr. S. S. Tambe 16/07/2021
    4 Dr. J. T. Jadhav (Associate guide) 20/07/2021
    5 Dr. H. P. Shinde (Associate guide) 20/07/2021
    6 Dr. D. U. Ahire (Associate guide) 22/07/2021

    Ph.D Scholars Registered

    Sr. No. Name of the scholar Name of the guide Title of the thesis Degree awarded
    1 Mr. Wagh Atul Namdeo Prof. Dr. N. B.Pawar Ethnobotanical Studies of North-East Region from Nashik District(Maharashtra) Pre -Ph.D.Viva-voce Exam (26/07/2022)
    2 Mr. Sabale Suresh Ganpat Biodiversity of Freshwater Fungi from the Gangapur, Ozarkhed and Nandur-Madhyameshwar Dams of Nashik District (Maharashtra) Pursuing
    3 Ms. Kapadi Mangala Ramchandra Aero mycological Investigation on Zeamays and Glycine max Crops from Niphad Tehsil of Nashik District,Maharashtra Pursuing
    4 Mrs. Sonu Pralhadrao Chavan Prof. Dr. S. B.Shisode Algal Biodiversity of Dindori Taluka,District Nashik Pursuing
    5 Mr. Sachin Rajaram Bhangare Foliar Anatomical and Phytochemical Studies in Some Taxa of Family Asclepiadaceae Pursuing
    6 Mr. Balasaheb Shantilal Kale Algal Flora From Junnar Tehsil, Pune District (M.S.) Pursuing
    7 Mr. Aditya Bajirao Bhagat Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Some Species of Family Amaranthaceae Pursuing
    8 Mrs. Shruti Vilas Deshmukh Phytochemical Analysis of Some Sacred Plants from Nashik District Pursuing
    9 Mr. Chetan Sharad Sanap Foliar Anatomical Studies in Some Taxa of Family Moraceae Pursuing
    10 Mr. Prashant Vijayrao Patil Dr. S. S. Tambe Studies of Ethnobotany and Pharmacognosy of Some Medicinal Plants of Kalwan Taluka of Nashik District (Maharashtra) Pursuing
    11 Miss. Aditi Sunil Kale Phytochemical Analysis of Indigenous Traditional Medicinal Plants of Surgana Tehsil Pursuing
    12 Mr. Bhushan Shivaji Wagh Phytochemical constituents and ex-situ conservation of some endangered plants of North-West region of Nashik District (Maharashtra) Pursuing
    13 Study of Biochemical Profile of Some Medicinally Important Weeds of Maharashtra Mr. Rohit Rangnath Paithane Pursuing
    14 Miss. Deoyani Himmat Patil Dr. D. U. Ahire Associate guide Phytochemical and Antibacterial Activity in Some Higher Cryptogams of Gautala Wildlife Sanctuary of Jalgaon in Maharashtra Pursuing
    15 Mrs. Mamta Satishrao Pawar Green Synthesis and Characterisation of Nanoparticles using Plant Extract and Effect as Nano fertilizer on Wheat and Mungbean Pursuing
    16 Miss. Jogdand Sakshee Dadasaheb Anatomical and Phytochemical Studies of Genus Chorchorus L. of Marathwada Region in Maharashtra Pursuing
    17 Mr. Sunil Deochand Shirole Phytochemical Profile of Pimpinellaheyneana (dc) Benth & Hook and Boswellia serrata Roxb. Of Nashik District Maharashtra Pursuing
    18 Mr. Akash Kiran Suryavanshi Dr. J. T. Jadhav Associate guide Phytochemical constituents of Bombax ceiba (L.) and Butea monosperma (lam.) Taub. Nashik Region Maharashtra Pursuing
    19 Miss. Kavita Papalal Jain Phytosociological Studies on the Vegetation of Erandol, Yaval and Wildlife sanctuary of Jalgaon in Maharashtra Pursuing
    20 Miss. Nikita Shivaji Deore Phytosociological studies of the Pimpelner and Sakri forest region of the Dhule district Pursuing
    21 Mr. Rahul Prabhakar Pawar Dr. H. P. Shinde Associate guide Studies on Floral Biology with Reference to Ecological and Conservational Aspect of Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R. R. Fern Pursuing
    22 Mr. Pravin Dinkar Nikam Studies on Reproductive Biology, Phytochemical and Ecological Aspects of Ceropegia anjenerica Malpure Pursuing

    Research Project Completed

    Sr.No Principal Investigator Title of the Project Name of Funding Agency Duration Amount Sanctioned Remarks
    1 Dr.Shisode S.B Native Food and Medicinal Plants In Nasik District(Maharashtra.) UGC (WRO)Pune 2001-2003 45,000 Completed 2003
    2 Dr.Shisode S.B Morphological and Anatomical Studies in Dicotyledons, The Celastrales. II BCUD,SPPU Pune 2006-2008 1,50,000 Completed 2008
    3 Dr. Pawar N.B Biodiversity of marine fungi from union territory of Pondicherry UGC 2010-2012 140000 Completed

    Book published Name of teacher Title of Book Name of chapter National/International Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN Number Name of Publisher
    1 Prof.(Dr) S.B.Shisode Book Recent Advances in plants Sciences Comparative anatomical study of two Cordia species (Boraginaceae) from the Northern Western Ghats, India International 2022 ISSN:978-620-4-95435-6 LAMBERT Academic Publisher,Republic of Moldova,Europe
    2 Dr. S.S.Tambe Studies of root rot Diseases of Chick Pea and its Management BooK International 2019 ISBN- 978-620-0-32055-1 LAMBERT Academic Publisher,Republic of Moldova,Europe
    3 Dr. S.S.Tambe Medico-Bio-wealth of India Indigenous traditional knowledge on edible fruits of eastern Ghats International 2022 ISBN 978-81-952750-6-9 Ambika prasad Research Foundation,Odisha
    4 Dr. S.S.Tambe Advance in Horticulture Science Ethnobotanical Importance of Carica Papaya,Family Caricaceae International 2022 ISBN 978-93-93502-30-8 Integrated Publication,New Delhi

    Seminar /Conference/ workshop/ webinar organized Name of the event Level Schedule Resource person’s details with topic Link
    1 Seminar:- Two days state level seminar on “Climate Change & Sustainability (CCS-2017) State level 24 th & 25 th January 2017 1. Dr. Dhanraj mane(Director of higher education,Govt. of Maharashtra, Pune)(Inaugurator & chief guest)

    2. Dr. Jay Shankar Pandey(Chief Scientist and Science Secretary Climate change, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur)
    Climate Change & Sustainability

    3. Dr. S. N. Patil(Head Dept. of Geology School of Environmental Science, NMU Jalgaon)
    Climate change and ground water survey

    4. Prin. Dr. Kishor R. Pawar(Ex. Prin. Arts science & Commerce College, Satana,Nashik)
    Global warming

    5. Mr. Rajeev R. Chobe(Mumbai)
    Environmental pollution

    6. Mr. R. U. Patil(Regional officer, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Nashik)Inaugurator & chief guest)

    7. Dr. Pramodkumar Hiray(Asso. prof., Dept. of Geography,H.P.T. Arts & R.Y.K. Science college, Nashik)
    Rainfall of Nashik District & Climate Change

    8. Dr. M.P. Pagar(Asst. Prof., Dept. of Geography,L.V. H. College, Panchavati,Nashik)
    A visit to weather forecasting station (Dept. of Geography)

    9. Dr. M.R. Rameshkumar(Chief Scientist And AcSIR Coordinator, PhysicalOceanography, CSIR- National institute of Oceanography, Goa )
    2 Webinar :-One Day State Level Webinar on Biodiversity & Its Application State level 22 nd May 2021 Prin Dr. V. P. Mali(J. Watumull Sadhubella Girls College, Ulhasnagar, Thane)
    Topic: Biodiversity & Its Application
    3 Webinar :-One Day National Level Webinar on Ecosystem Restoration National level 05 th June 2021 1. Dr.Pratibha Tripathi(Asst. Prof. D A V College Kanpur.)
    Topic: “Ecosystem damage &how it can be restored”

    2. Dr.Vinod Shimpale(Asst. Prof. The New CollegeKolhapur.)
    4 Webinar :-One Day State level Webinar On “Clean Energy Resources, Energy Conservation and Solid Waste Management” State level 23th Sept.2021 Dr. N. S. Lingayat (Head, Electrical Engineering Department , Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University’s Institute of Petrochemical Engineering,Lonere-Raigad)
    Topic: “Clean Energy Resources”
    5 Webinar :-One Day State Level Webinar On“Wildlife Protection Act” State level 12 th Oct.2021 Mr. Ganeshrao Ambadas Zole(Assistant Conservator of Forest,Nasik)
    Topic: Wildlife Protection Act

    Research paper Published Name of Faculty Number of Research publication Number of UGC-care listed/Scopus/WOS publication/ peer reviewed View Details
    1 Dr.Shisode S.B 9 9 View
    2 Dr. S.S. Tambe 18 10 View
    3 Dr. Pawar N.B 12 5 View
    4 Mr. S.G. Sabale 2 2 View
    5 Mr. B.S. Kale 3 3 View Name of teacher Title of Book Name of chapter National /International Year of Publication ISBN/ISSNNumber Name of Publisher
    1 Prof.(Dr)S.B. Shisode Book Recent Advances in plants Sciences Comparative anatomical study of two Cordia species (Boraginaceae) from the Northern Western Ghats, India International 2022 ISSN:978- 620-4- 95435-6 LAMBERT Academic Publisher, Republic of Moldova, Europe
    2 Dr. S.S. Tambe Studies of root rot Diseases of Chick Pea and its Management Book International 2019 ISBN- 978- 620-0-32055-1 LAMBERT Academic Publisher, Republic of Moldova, Europe
    3 Dr. S.S. Tambe Medico-Bio- wealth of India Indigenous traditional knowledge on edible fruits of eastern Ghats International 2022 ISBN 978- 81-952750- 6-9 Ambika prasad Research Foundation, Odisha
    4 Dr. S.S. Tambe Advance in Horticulture Science Ethnobotanical Importance of Carica Papaya, Family Caricaceae International 2022 ISBN 978- 93-93502- 30-8 Integrated Publication ,New Delhi

    A. Research Projects

    Name of the Project/ Endowment, Chairs Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator Department of Principal Investigator Year of Award Amount Sanctioned Duration of the project Name of the Funding Agency Type (Government/non-Govt)
    Native Food & Medicinal Plants of Jalgaon District (Maharashtra.) Dr. S.B Shisode. Botany 2001-2003 45,000/ 2.Years UGC PUNE.7 Govt.
    Morphological & Anatomical Studies in DicotyledonS-The Celalastrales. II. Dr. S.B.Shisode. Botany. 2006-2008 1,50,000/ 2.Years BCUS,SPPU,Pune.7. Govt.

    B. Research Publications

    Title of paper Name of the author/s Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
    The role of plants in sustainable agriculture and industry. Dr. S.B. Shisode. Vidyawarta 2020 2319-9318. view
    Covid-19, crisis and immune power improvement through yoga: a perspective. Dr. S.B. Shisode. (IJRCS) Intnl. Jrnl of Research Culture Soc. 2020 2456-6683. view
    Common names of Coconut (Cocos nucifera. L. Araceae): Some Indications On its Nativity. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Think India Journal 2019 0971-1260.
    Toponymic Common Plant Names: Indicators of Biodiversity and Potentials. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil I3, Biodiversity. Finland 2018 2490-0362.
    A Census of Tanniniferous and Gum Yielding Plants In Khandesh Region of Maharashtra. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Researchers World.(UGC.List.10509) Jan.2018. 2231-4172.
    Natural dye: Yielding Vegetables sources in Khandesh region (Maharashtra.) India. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Intrnl. J. of Adv. Res & Dev. 2017. 2445- 4030.
    Scientific Plant Names In Their Etymological & Ethno botanical Perspective Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Recent Scientific Research. 2015. 0976-3031. view
    Foliar Anatomical Studies In Some Hippocrateaceae (Sensu Stricto.) Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Life Sciences Leaflets. 2013. 2277-4297. view
    Taxonomic and Phylogenetic census of Celastrales: A Synthetic Review Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Current Botany. 2011 2220-4822. ------------------
    Petiolar Anatomy In Some Rhamnaceae Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Current Botany. 2011. 2220-4822. ------------------
    Study of foliar trichomes in some species of Hippocrateaceae. (Sensu Stricto) Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Indian Research Communication 2010 0973-9661. ------------------
    Study of foliar trichomes in some species of Hippocrateaceae. (Sensu Stricto) Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Indian Research Communication 2011. 0973- 9661. ------------------
    Remark on taxonomy and phylogeny of some disputed Celastralean taxa. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology. 2010 0970-2091. view
    Petiolar Anatomy In Some Rhamnaceae Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Current Botany 2011. 2220-4822 view
    Foliar Anatomical Studies in Some Species of Ziziphus Miller (Rhamnaceae) Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Deccan Current Science. 2010 0975- 3044 --------------
    The foliar epidermal studies in some Rhamnaceae Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology. 2008 0970-2091. --------------
    The Foliar Epidermal Study In Some Hippocrateaceae, With a Discussion On Its Taxonomic Position. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Flora And Fauna 2008 097-6920 --------------
    Petiolar Anatomy of some Celastrales. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Indian Journal of Applied and Pure Biology. 2008 0970- 2091. --------------
    Nodal anatomical studies in some Malvaceae Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil National Journal of life Sciences. 2006 0972-995X --------------
    Observation on Foliar Emergence In Some Rhamnaceae Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil National Journal of life Sciences. 2005 0972-995X --------------
    Further Observations on Foliar Trichomes in Celastraceae. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Advances in Biological Sciences 2005 2226-1559 --------------
    Nodal Anatomical Studies In Some Hippocrateaceae. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Journal of Swamy Botanical Club 2005 0256- 9493 --------------
    Nodal Anatomy of seedlings in some Rubiaceae. Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A.Patil Journal of Phytological Research 2005 0970-5767 --------------
    Foliar Epidermal Studies In Some Species of Boerhavia ( Nyctaginaceae) Dr. S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil Journal of Swamy Botanical Club 2004 0256- 9493 --------------
    The Foliar Epidermal Studies In Some Celastraceae S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil BRIS,JAST 2000 0971- 9563. --------------
    Nodal anatomical studies in some Celastrales S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil. Journal of Swamy Botanical Club 2000 0256- 9493 --------------
    Native Medicinal Plants of Jalgaon District (Maharashtra.) S.B. Shisode, Prof. D.A. Patil. Biojournal. 1993 0970-9444 --------------

    Top Alumni

    Year of passing Name of student placed / enrolling into higher education and contact details Name of the employer with contact details / Name of institution joined
    2005-2006 Dr. Hemendra Prabhakar Shinde Assistant Professor K.V.N. Naik Arts Science and commerce College Canade Corner Nashik 2
    2005-2006 Dr. Smt. Yogita Shivaji Patil Assistant Prof. at mahilaratna Pusphatai Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalaya Malegaon Camp
    2009-2010 Mr. Swapnil kale District D.G Berger Paints India LTD Nashik 2
    2015-2016 Mrs. Shruti Pawar-Deshmukh 1) Prin. Horizon Academy, CBSE, Pumping Station Gangapur Road Nasik.(2019 to Till Date.)
    2015-2016 Mr. Kiran Suresh Digambar. IIT Bombay (Primary Teacher)
    2015-2016 Dhage Pramod Divisional Manager Inspire Services Alandi Road, Opp Kala Petrol Pump, Alandi Maharashtra – 41222105.
    2015-2016 Mr. Bhoye Sahebrao Dhanraj Desk Officer Mahila & Balvikas Department, Mantralaya Mumbai - 400032.
    2015-2016 Mr. Sachin Rajaram Bhangare. Lecturer in Biology MVPs. K T B Vidyalaya & Junior College Nandur Madhyameshwar Tal-Niphad Dist-Nasik.03. 2020 Onwards….
    2016-2017 Mr. Gaikwad Ajinkya Bhagwan. Primary Teacher at Post Jalgaon. Bk. Tal Nandgaon Dist – Nashik.
    2016-2017 Mis. Jaya Popat Deore. Business Development Executive, SKD Consultant Pvt. Ltd, 3RD Floor Rushiraj Annexe,D`Souza Colony, College Road Nashik – 422005.
    2016-2017 Mr. Jadhav Rajendra Amruta. Aarogyasevak Primary Health Centre Birwadi Tal-Mahad Dist- Raigad.
    2017-2018 Mr. Bhoye Ramesh Deoram Quality Supervisor at Writer information Pvt ltd.
    2017-2018 Miss Waluj Rutuja Ramesh Excusive operator Auto Sector , Store M&M A & E Mahindra &Mahindra Nashik
    2018-19 Mr. Jadhav Kiran Pundlik Star Pathology, Nashik.
    2019-2020 Miss. Kshirsagar Pooja Virgo BPO Services
    2019-2020 Miss. Bhayashri Wagh WNS Global Services Pvt.Ltd Nashik
    2019-2020 Miss. Archana Shakhpla. Z.P School Pimplashet
    2019-2020 Miss Pallavi Amabadas Khelukar Assistant Professor (Botany) K. K. Wagh , Arts, Commerce Science Pimplus Niphad
    2019-2020 Miss. Sadgir Gayatri CCC,PHCb Kopargaon , Kopargaon
    2019-2020 Miss. Uchale Priyanka Primary Teacher Pune muncipal Coporation,Pune
    2020-2021 Ms. Kadam Pallavi Sharad. Assistant Professor (Botany) K. K. Wagh , Arts, Commerce Science and Computer Science College, Chandori,Tal – Niphad Dist - Nasik -College
    2020-2021 Mr. Pradum Raju Korde Auto Mechanic Tata Motors Ltd Pimpri Pune – 411018.
    2020-2021 Mr. Prafull Baldev Borse Senior Executive – Programme Officer, School of Public Policy, MIT World Peace University (MIT-WPU), Paud Road Kothrud Pune – 411038.
    2020-2021 Nikita Madhukar Pagar Assistant Professor in Botany at K.K.W. ASC College Kakashaeb nagar Tal Niphad
    2020-2021 Ms. Bhagyashri Sitaram Chavan Trainee – Supervisor – Transfer Division, Advent Plantech LLP, Adgaon, Nashik -3.


    The Alumni Association of the Department is active since 2003 and the alumni members continue to extend support for the academic progress of the Department.

    • 1) 20 th March 2022: Mrs. Dr. Yogita S. Patil (2003 Batch) Alumni of the Department of Botany donated a book of Rs.1395 (Algae- Sahitya Sagar Prakashan Kanpur) to the departmental library and donated Rs.3000 to as a kind and qualitative gesture for the further upliftment of the department. The said book is written by herself and is useful to Research Scholars and Post Graduate Students. She is also a recipient of “BEST STUDENT WELFARE OFFICER” 2019 and felicited by Honourable Vice Chancellor inJan-2022.
    • 2) Our alumni (2003 Batch) Dr. H. P Shinde (Asst Prof. K.V. N. Naik College Nasik) Contributed Rs.3000 for the welfare of current year students and Delivered a Lectures to our college P G Students ,how to Crack the NET/SET & he is also affiliated to our research center as a associate guide for guiding to Ph.D Scholars. Since 2021-22.
    • 3) Mr. Jadhav Rajendra Amruta.(Aarogya Sevak) PHC, Manghrun & Birwadi (Dist.Raigad.) Contributed Rs.1000 to the alumni association of the College and he guides to our students online for various competitive exams.

    Event Calendar

    Sr. No. Months Event
    1 June

    F.Y/S.Y Admission procedure

    T.Y Admission procedure

    2 July

    Short Tour – Jawahar / Mokhada

    3 August

    Internal Exam – Unit Test

    4 September

    Internal Exam

    Short Tour – anjineri / Trimbakeshwar

    5 October

    Oct Examination

    Botany Association Lecture

    6 November

    Nursery and Pharmaceutical Industry visit

    Botany Association Lecture

    7 December

    Field Visit Botany Association

    Long Tour at Malshej Ghat, Konkan, Amboli Ghat.

    8 January

    Internal Exam / Unit Test

    Visit to Waste water treatment plant.

    Nursery Visit

    9 February

    Visit to YCMOU krishi vidnyan Kendra.

    Internal Exam

    10 March

    Internal Examination

    Semester Examination

    11 April

    Practical Examination

    Semester Examination

    For all M.Sc students, an Industrial visit was organized at `Sahyadri Farm, Mohadi to know the preparation and marketing of food and Vegetables, preparation Ketchups, Jams, jellies etc. Dr. N.B.Pawar, Dr. S. B. Shisode, Asst Prof Uma Vidhate, Vanita Surywanshi, and Ruchika Batham &Mr. Suresh Sable guided the students for the same.

    Teaching Faculty

    Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
    1 Dr. Shisode Shashikant Bharatrao Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. 31 year View/Read
    2 Dr. Tambe Satish Sampatrao Assistant Professor M.Sc.Ph.D. 12 year View/Read
    3 Mr. S. G. Sabale. Assistant Professor M.Sc. NET. 04 Exp View/Read
    4 Miss. Motkari Vaishnavi Bhalchandra Assistant Professor M.Sc., B.Ed. (Ph .D pursuing) 2 year View/Read
    5 Miss.Chavan Bhagyashri Sitaram Assistant Professorr M.Sc., D.Ed., B.Ed. 01 View/Read
    6 Mr. Mahale Uttam Shivram Assistant Professor M.Sc., B.Ed. 01 View/Read