Vocational Department

About the Course

In the Digital age, the use of electrical and electronic devices/gadgets has become a common practice. Electrical and electronic devices have proved their utility and they have become the need of time. Even home appliances have an electrical and electronic base. As these devices are delicate and complicated, they need trained and skilled mechanics/technicians for maintenance and repair. The new digital field can avail a number of job -opportunities. Taking into consideration this need the Department of Electronics Science has initiated One Year Diploma Course in Electrical and Electronic Device Repair from the academic year 2019-20. The course aims at imparting systematic theoretical and practical knowledge of electronic and electrical devices to the students and equip them with the necessary skills required in this field. The intake capacity of the course is 50 students and eligibility is 10+02.

Aims and Objectives

  • To provide in-depth knowledge of the technological aspects of electronics
  •  To familiarize with current and recent technological developments
  •  To enrich knowledge through programs such as industrial visits, hobby projects, market surveys, projects, etc.
  • To train students in skills related to the electronics industry and market.
  •  To create a foundation for perfecting practical skills in Electronics
  •  To help students to build up a progressive and successful career in Electronics
  • Course Outcomes

  • Identifying different components and apparatus used in the laboratory.
  • Use basic electrical AC & DC concepts and theorems to analyse circuits.
  • Build and simulate electrical DC circuits and perform measurements with electronic test equipment.
  • Familiarize with current and recent technological developments
  • Enrich knowledge through programmes such as industrial visits, hobby projects, market survey, projects etc.
  • Develop analytical abilities towards real world problems
  • To start self-employment.

Course Duration

  • One academic year, consisting of 02 semesters.
  • Course Intake:

  • 50 students only.
  • Eligibility

  • Minimum qualification: Passed 12th Arts/Commerce/science/Vocational/Technical stream or its equivalent examination (or) 10th + (2 years I.T.I) with appropriate specialization
  • Age Limit: - 18 Years onwards.
  • Course fee:
  • The registration fee for this course for all categories is decided by the college authority.
  • Commencement of the Course: 
  • The dates for commencement and conclusion of the course shall be fixed by the Department.
  • Note:
  • Admissions will be given as per the selection procedure / policies adopted by the college, in accordance with conditions laid down by the Community College under the UGC New Delhi Scheme of Vocationalization. Reservation and relaxation will be as per the Government rules.
  • Credit Pattern:
  • Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Devices Repairing will be of 60 Credits (06 Theory Papers + 06 Practical). One credit is equivalent to 15 hours of teaching or 4 hours of practical work/field work per week.
  • Exam Pattern:
    Area Total Marks
    Theory 600
    Practical 900
    Total 1500


  • This diploma course consists of Theory and Practical courses. Separate examination will be conducted for the Diploma course. A total of 60 credits are assigned to this course. There will be two semesters with 30 credits each.
  • Sem Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credits Total Marks
    I DT11 DEED11 Electronic Components, Circuits and Equipment Assembly 4 100
    DT12 DEED12 Measurement Parameters and Tools 4 100
    DT13 DEED13 Computer Fundamentals 4 100
    DP11 DEED14 Practical Course-I 6 150
    DP12 DEED15 Practical Course-II 6 150
    DP13 DEED16 Practical Course-III 6 150
    II DT21 DEED21 Installation, repair and maintenance of Electrical Home appliances - Power Supply, inverter and UPS, 4 100
    DT22 DEED22 Installation, repair and maintenance of Electronics Home appliances- communication equipment 4 100
    DT23 DEED23 Computer hardware assembly/ installation 4 100
    DP21 DEED24 Practical Course-I 6 150
    DP22 DEED25 Practical Course-II 6 150
    DP23 DEED26 Practical Course-III 6 150
    Total Credits 60 1500

    Eligibility for appearing on certificate course:

  • Students should keep the terms with at least 75% attendance. He/she should participate in all practical and demonstrations and complete the given task /activity.
  • Final examination:

  • A final examination will be held at the end of each semester. The practical examination shall be of 450 marks, and theory 300 marks, final examination will be conducted offline/online.
  • Standard of passing:

  • A student must obtain 35% of the total marks in theory and the practical examination is separate to pass the course.
  • Medium of instruction and examination:

  • The medium of instruction will be English with occasionally local language. The examination shall be conducted in English.
  • Award of class:

  • Class will be awarded to the students at the end of the course based on aggregate marks
  • Percentage Grade
    Above 75 % O Grade
    Above 60% A Grade
    Above 50% B Grade
    Above 40% C Grade

    Teaching Faculty

    Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience links
    1 Prof. Dr. U. P. Shinde Head & Recognized Research guide M.Sc. Ph.D. 34 year view
    2 Dr. A. B. Patil Assistant professor M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. SET, NET 22 view
    3 Mrs. H. P. Bhadane Assistant professor M. Sc. M. Phil. 09 view
    4 Mrs. M. E. Niphade Assistant professor M.Sc. PET 05 view
    5 Mrs. J. B. Pachorkar Assistant professor M.Sc. SET 07 view


    • The systematic and planned curricula aimed at focusing attention to the skills required for practicing the subject of Electrical and Electronics Devices Repairing.
    • This is expected to make the students become more confident in working and will motivate and encourage the students to pursue higher studies in this area to become self-employed and to become an entrepreneur.
    • Basic topics related to analog and digital electronics, computer fundamentals, measurement equipment, maintenance concepts, electronic system building blocks, components, assembly techniques are dealt with in the first semester.
    • The level of the theory and practical courses shall be one step ahead of the first semester and students get knowledge and competencies regarding Installation, Servicing, Repair, Fault Diagnosis and Error Remover for home appliances/Consumer Electronics Products during the second semester, .
    • The practical course is designed to emphasize practical skills required for circuit building, testing and trouble-shooting.
    • More focus on practicals and demonstrations by understanding key elements of electrical and electronics appliances.
    • To provide in-depth knowledge of current technological aspects of electronics by organizing field visits to industries.
    • To train students in skills related to the electronics industry and as entrepreneurs.
    • A proportionate number of laboratory exercises will be included in the laboratory course.
    Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Email Address
    1 Prof. Dr. U. P. Shinde Head & Course Coordinator [email protected]
    2 Dr. A. B. Patil Assistant professor [email protected]
    3 Mrs. H. P. Bhadane Assistant professor [email protected]
    4 Mrs. J. B. Pachorkar Assistant professor [email protected]