Student Corner

Anti-Ragging Committee

Standard Operating Procedure


As per the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court, India and UGC Regulation on curbing the menace of ragging in educational institutions, 2009 under Section 26(1)(g) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 published in the Gazette of India Part III, Section-4, dt. 4th July, 2009 (F.1-16/2007(CPP-II) Dated 17th June, 2009) and subsequent Notifications from UGC and University, an Anti-Ragging Committee is established in college.

Main Objective:

To prohibit any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm to raise fear apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary cause do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student; and thereby, to eliminate ragging in all its forms from universities, deemed universities and other higher educational institutions in the country by prohibiting it under these Regulations, preventing its occurrence and punishing those who indulge in ragging as provided for in these Regulations and the appropriate law in force.

The ragging constitutes one or more of any intention by any student or group of students on the following points:

Any act which Indiscipline, Teasing or Handling with Rudeness.

Any act which disrupts the Regular Academic Activity of a student.

Any act under Financial Extortion or Forceful Expenditure on a student.

Any act which creates Psychological / Mental Harm or creates Fear or Apprehension on a student.

Any act through social media [e – mails, whats app, face book, SMS, etc.] which abuses the student by words or picture.

Any act which makes a kind of an injury or infringement of the fundamental right to the human dignity.

Any act which of Physical Abuse causing Assault, Harm or danger to Health.


To constitute an Anti-Ragging Committee

To maintain healthy interpersonal relations among students

To provide information about the ragging and related punishments

To resolve ragging cases if any in the college campus and take necessary actions

Procedure: - Steps followed for prohibition of ragging in the college:

1) Anti-Ragging Committee is constituted according to the guidelines given in UGC Regulation on curbing the menace of ragging in educational institutions, 2009.

2) Information regarding total prohibition of ragging in the college premises is displayed by using banners, flex boards and notices. It includes that ragging is totally prohibited in the college and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, whether actively or passively, or being a part of conspiracy to promote ragging, is liable to be punished in accordance with the UGC regulations as well as under the provisions of any penal law for the time being in force. Contact numbers of Anti-Ragging Committee members are displayed using banners, flex boards and notices.

3) The same information is also included in prospectus of the college and college website.

4) Telephone numbers of the Anti-Ragging Helpline and all the important functionaries in the college are included in the prospectus, banners, flex boards and notices.

5) Filled and Signed Affidavits are collected at the time of admission to any class in the college from the students and parents regarding non involvement in any form of ragging in and outside the college campus.

6) Meeting of Anti-ragging committee is to be held at the time of commencement of the academic session and at the end of the academic session.

7) Special lectures and guidance are arranged for the students to prohibit ragging in the college

8) Induction programmes are arranged for the newly admitted students in the college where all sorts of information are provided regarding anti-ragging.

9) Anti-ragging squad is established for raids and frequent surprise visits in the college campus to maintain healthy interpersonal relations among students and to prevent any kind of ragging.

10) If any kind of ragging is observed or complaint regarding ragging in any form filled by any student of the college the Anti-Ragging Committee will take action against it in consultation of Principal of the college.

11) If necessary, the Principal of the college will provide information to the local police and local authorities regarding ragging cases in the college premises.

College Anti-Ragging Committee

The college Anti – Ragging Committee is a Supervisory and Advisory Committee in preserving a Culture of Ragging Free Environment at College Campus. The Anti-Ragging cell will work under the Supervision of the Principal and engage in the works of checking places like Canteens, Classrooms and other places of student congregation. Anti-Ragging Cell will be involved in designing strategies and action plan for any cases of ragging in the college.

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact Number (In case of Emergency)
1 Dr. B. S. Jagdale Principal / Chairman +91 – 7391056010
2 Dr. K. H. Kapadnis Nodal Officer +91 - 9423476111
3 Dr. S. J. Patil Faculty Member +91 - 9420228393
4 Dr. A. P. Bhadane Faculty Member +91 - 9850402331
5 Dr. S. V. Pawar Physical Director +91 - 7391056059
6 Dr. Kaveri Bhamre Faculty Member (Women’s Representative) +91 - 7875444893
7 Dr. D. K. Kannor Counselor +91 - 9823858791
8 Mr. Pratik Gangele External Member (Local Media Representative) --
9 Shri. Nathuji Deore External Member (NGO Representative involved in Youth Activities) --
10 P.I. Adgaon Police Station, Panchavati, Nashik – 3 Police Representative 0253 - 2970633
11 Dr. R. V. Patil Students Welfare Officer +91 – 8275519056
12 Mr. Sachin N. Sonawane N.C.C. Officer +91 - 9422288565
13 Miss. Anamika S. Dalavi Student’s Representative (Fresher) --
14 Mr. Dhananjay Sahare Student’s Representative (Senior) +91 - 8975038700
15 Shri. Jayant Patil Parent’s Representative +91 - 9822872265
16 Shri. Kiran Gunjal Non-Teaching Member +91 - 8975181407

National Anti-Ragging Helpline Number: - 1800-180-5522

Email- [email protected]

Website for Anti-Ragging Undertaking by Students and Parents / Guardians:

College Email Address: [email protected]

At the beginning of every academic year, college constitutes the Anti Ragging Squad which functions under the anti ragging cell to keep a vigil and stop the incidences of Ragging, if any. The anti ragging squad under the guidance of cell will also educate the students at large by adopting various means about the menace of Ragging and related Punishments there to

Members of Anti Ragging Squad

Academic Year 2021– 22

Sr. No. Name Designation Contact Number (in case of Emergency)
1 Dr. R. V. Patil Chairperson +91 – 8275519056
2 Dr. Kaveri Bhamare Vice Chairperson [Women’s Representative] +91 - 7875444893
3 Dr. A. P. Bhadane Sr. Faculty Member +91 - 9850402331
4 Dr. S. J. Patil Sr. Faculty Member +91 - 9420228393
5 Dr. D. K. Kannor Counselor +91 - 9823858791
6 Dr. Santosh V. Pawar Member +91 – 7391056059
7 Mr. Sachin N. Sonawane N.C.C. Officer +91 - 9422288565
8 Dr. R. V. Patil Students Welfare Officer +91 – 8275519056
9 Shri. Kiran Gunjal Non – Teaching Representative +91 – 8975181407

Resolution of Complaint

1. If a complaint submitted to the Anti-Ragging Committee / Squad then the members of the committee will start taking the action as per the standard operating procedure.

2. The committee continuously takes the follow up of the complaint till it get solved completely with the help of rules and regulations given by the UGC time to time.