Sr. No. | Name of the Ph.D Guide | No. Students Registered |
1 | Prof. Dr. Mrunal A Bhardwaj | 4 |
2 | Prin. Dr. P.V. Rasal (Associate Guide) | 2 |
3 | Prin. Dr. Dinesh Naik (Associate Guide) | 2 |
4 | Dr. Sameer Limbare (Associate Guide) | 4 |
5 | Dr. Sandip Mali (Associate Guide) | 2 |
6 | Dr. Dnyeshwar Pawar (Associate Guide) | 1 |
7 | Dr. Ramesh Nikam (Associate Guide) | 2 |
Students Awarded Ph. D Degree Under the Research Centre
Sr. No. | Name of the Student | Year of Degree Awarded |
1 | Mr. Sanjay Nawale | 2020 |
2 | Mr. Satish Khare | 2021 |
3 | Mrs. Swati Pawar | 2021 |
4 | Miss. Jaimala Sode | 2021 |
5 | Dr. Prashant Sonawane | 2022 |
Students Enrolled for Ph. D Degree
Sr. No. | Name of the Candidate | Year | Guide |
1 | Ruby Uniyal | 2017 | Prof. M.A. Bhardwaj |
2 | Tanmay Joshi | 2017 | |
3 | Poorva Shinde | 2017 | |
4 | Gaurav Pagare | 2022 | |
5 | Vikram Rasal | 2019 | Prin. Dr. P.V. Rasal |
6 | Karuna Wankhede | 2019 | |
7 | Nalini Bagul | 2019 | Prin. Dr. Dinesh Naik |
8 | Kishor Ankulanekar | 2019 | |
9 | Sharmila Bhavsar | 2019 | Dr. Sameer Limbare |
10 | Ganesh Panpatil | 2019 | |
11 | Ajay Thakare | 2022 | |
12 | Machhindra Shendge | 2022 | |
13 | Rohini Pawar | 2022 | Dr. Ramesh Nikam |
14 | Rajendra Kadale | 2022 | |
15 | Vishnu Adsare | 2022 | Dr. Sandip Mali |
16 | Geetanjali Daund | 2022 | |
17 | Sarika Daund | 2022 | Dr. Dnyaneshwar Pawar |
A Research Projects
Name of the Project/ Endowment, Chairs | Name of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigator | Year of Award | Amount Sanctioned | Duration of the project | Name of the Funding Agency |
Mental health and depression among college students (Minor project) | Dr M.A Bhardwaj | 2010 | 1,15000 | 2 yrs | UGC New Delhi |
Choice of military career socio psychological factors. (Major project) | Dr M.A Bhardwaj | 1997 | 95000 | 3 yrs | UGC New Delhi |
Personality Traits, Emotional Intelligence and Internet Addiction Among College Students (regular Degree as well as Professional) | Dr. J. A. Sode | 2015 | 80,000 | 2 yrs | UGC New Delhi |
B Research Publications In Reputed Journals
Sr.No | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Year of publication | ISSN number |
1 | Emotional Intelligence Module for Emotional Management among Adolescents | Dr M.A Bhardwaj | UGC care listed Shodhasamhita Impact Factor 4.95 Volume IX, Issue 9 | July-Dec 2022 | ISSN 2277-7067 |
2 | Identify The Needs, Benefits And Challenges of Counseling Services In Higher Education | Dr M.A Bhardwaj | UGC care listed AtikshayKalit | July-Dec 2022 | ISSN 2277-419 |
3 | Specific Phobia During The Covid-19 Pandemic First Wave In Maharashtra | Dr M.A Bhardwaj | The International Journal of Indian Psychology | Feb 2022 | ISSN 2348-5396 (Online) |
4 | Students Attitude Towards Online Teaching in Higher Education During Covid-19 Pandemic | Dr M.A Bhardwaj | UGC Approved International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities | Dec 2021 | ISSN 2277-9809 (Online), ISSN 2348-9359 (Print) |
5 | Anxiety and Perceived Stress among Primary School Teachers in Rural Area Engaged in Online Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | International Journal of Indian Psychology | June 2021 | ISSN-2349-3429 |
6 | Clinical profile of specific learning disability in vernacular schools | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | UGC Approved UGC Approved Journal the International Journal of Indian Psychology | Feb 2021 | ISSN 2348-5396 (Online), ISSN: 2349-3429 (Print) |
7 | Effectiveness of Gratitude Intervention in increasing Gratitude | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | UGC care listed international research journal Peer reviewed AksharWangmay | Jan 2021 | ISSN 2229-4929 |
8 | Internet use & addiction among college students and its relation with personality traits, loneliness and Psychological Well-being.c | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | IUGC CARE listed Akshar Wangmay | Dec 2020 | ISSN - 2229-4929 |
9 | 'Role of REBT in HR training with reference to covid-19 impact | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Peer reviewed National journal Yashomanthan | Sept 2020 | ISSN 2347-8039 |
10 | Relationship between job satisfaction and Quality of life among entrepreneurs | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | UGC CARE listed international journal, Shodh Sanchar bulletin | 2019-20 | 2229-3620 |
11 | Internet addiction and psychological well-being among college students | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | UGC CARE listed international journal, Shodh Sarita | 2019-20 | 2348-2397 |
12 | Intentional Enrichment technique - an effective method for improving happiness & volume helping attitude | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | UGC CARE listed international journal ShodhSarita | 2019-20 | 2348-2397 |
13 | A Study of relationship between personality traits and mental health among high school children | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | International research journal of management sociology and humanity (IRJMSH) | 2019-20 | 2277-9809 |
14 | Mental Health Among the College Players in Nasik Region | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | International Multilingual Referred Journal | 2018-19 | 2319-9318 |
15 | Death Anxiety and Personality traits among Type-2 Diabetic Patients | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | International Journal of Applied social Science | 2018-19 | 2394-1405 |
16 | Burnout And Coping Among Elite Athletes | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce | 2017-18 | 2231-4172 |
17 | Children’s Sports Participation and Development of The Social Competence the Comparative Study | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce | 2017-18 | 2231-4172 |
18 | Shopping Addiction and Its Relation with Depression Among Working and Non- Working Married Women | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Asian Journal of Psychology & Education | 2017-18 | 09712909 |
19 | Personality traits and self- esteem among female players in male dominated sports | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce | 2017-18 | 2231-4172 |
20 | Emotional maturity and level of optimism among players. | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce | 2017-18 | 2231-4172 |
21 | Recent Trends in Sports Psychology Research A Study of International Journal of Physical Education Sports and Health | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce | 2017-18 | 2231-4172 |
22 | Role Of Vitality in Initiating Personal Growth and Grit Among Students | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Recent Advances in Psychology (RAP): An International Journal | 2018 | 23955465 |
23 | Locus of control and Achievement Motivation among Women Entrepreneurs of small industries | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce | 2017-18 | 2231-4172 |
24 | Effects of yoga on level of Depression among females suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOD) | Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | International Journal on Arts, Management and Humanities | 2017-18 | 23195231 |
25 | Perception, Identity & Peace | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing | 2017 | 2229-5356 |
26 | Personality and Perceived stress among medical college students | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research | 2017-18 | 0976-3031 |
27 | Enrichment of Subjective wellbeing | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | International Journal of Indian Psychology | 2016-17 | 2349-3429(With Impact Factor 4.50 ICI) |
28 | Value Education and Psychological Well-being | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Scholars World International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research | 2015-16 | 2319-5789(With Impact Factor 3.55) |
29 | Mobile Phone Addiction and Loneliness among Teenagers | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | International Journal of Indian Psychology | 2014-15 | 2349-3429(With Impact Factor 4.50 ICI) |
30 | Emotional Intelligence Module for Emotional Management among Adolescents | Dr.J.A.Sode | UGC care listed Shodhasamhita Impact Factor 4.95 Volume IX, Issue 9, | July-Dec 2022 | ISSN 2277-7067 |
31 | Identify The Needs, Benefits And Challenges of Counseling Services In Higher Education | Dr.J.A.Sode | UGC care listed Atikshay Kalit | July-Dec 2022 | ISSN 2277-419 |
32 | Burnout and personality traits among athletic trainers | Dr.J.A.Sode | Researchers World Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, | 2017-18 | ISSN – 2231- 4172. |
33 | Shopping Addiction and Its Relation with Depression Among Working and Non- Working Married Women | Dr.J.A.Sode | Asian Journal of Psychology & Education | 2017-18 | ISSN 09712909 |
34 | Effects of yoga on level of Depression among females suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOD) | Dr.J.A.Sode | International Journal on Arts, Management and Humanities | 2017-18 | ISSN -23195231 |
35 | Personality and Perceived stress among medical college students | Dr.J.A.Sode | International Journal of Recent Scientific Research | 2016-17 | ISSN 0976-3031 |
36 | Mobile Phone Addiction and Loneliness among Teenagers | Dr.J.A.Sode | International Journal of Indian Psychology | 2015-16 | ISSN-2349- 3429 (With Impact Factor 4.50 ICI) |
37 | Suicide of farmers Search of Facts and Message | Dr. D. K. Kannore | Indian Agriculture: - Problems and Prospects journal of Commerce, Management and Social Science | 2013 | ISSN – 2249 –0299 |
38 | Mental Health of Children: - Types of Abnormalities andRemedies | Dr. D. K.Kannore | Mental Health Issues J.V Publishing House Jodhpur | 2006 | ISSN 81-88818- 75 |
39 | To Study of Self – Concept and Exam Anxiety | Dr. D. K.Kannore | Vidyawarta International Multi – lingual Research journal | 2014 | ISSN – 2319 –1918 |
40 | To Clinical Study of Absent Students in Senior College | Dr. D. K. Kannore | IRFAS Uniresearch Multidisciplinary International E- Research Journal | 2017 | ISSN- 2321-4953 |
41 | Problems of Social Research | Dr. D. K. Kannore | Research Journey Multidisciplinary International E- Research Journal | 2018 | ISSN- 2348-1918 |
42 | A Comparative Study of Health Status, Life Style, Adjustment and Anxiety Among Migrant and Non- Migrant Workers | Dr. D. K.Kannore | Vidyawarta a Peer Reviewed International Referred Research Journal | 2018 | ISSN – 2319 –1918 |
43 | Effect of Employment Status on Mental Health Among Young Generation | Dr. D. K. Kannore | Vidyawarta Reviewed International Journal | 2020 | ISSN 2319 –9318 |
44 | Impact of Working Status on self-Concept and Locus of Control among | Dr. D. K. Kannore | Vidyawarta Peer Reviewed International Journal | 2020 | ISSN – 2394 –5303 |
45 | A Clinical Study of Mental Health of Indian Women’s. | Dr. D. K. Kannore | International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal Ajanta Publication Aurangabad | 2021 | ISSN 22-77-5730 |
46 | Role of social media in Emotional Intelligence and Anxiety among college Students | Dr. D. K.Kannore | Kanpur Philosophers | 2021 | ISSN – 2348 -8301 |
47 | Impact of Learning Medium on Achievement Motivation and Anxiety Among Secondary School Students | Dr. D. K.Kannore | Peer Reviewed Journal of Fundamental and Comparative Research (K.K.S.U Ramtek | 2021-22 | ISSN- 2277- 7067 |
48 | Comparative Study of work family conflict among servant and entrepreneurs. | Dr. D. K.Kannore | Indian Journal of Social Sciences and literature studies | March 2022 | ISSN-2349-5634 |
C.Research Publications In Conference Proceedings
Sr.No. | Name of the teacher | Title of the paper | Title of the proceedings of the conference | Name of the conference | National / International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Affiliating Institute at the time of publication |
1 | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Peace education & enhancement of emotional Intelligence and Aggression management among college students | Conference proceeding of 19 th World Congress of IAEWP (UN-NGO) International Conference on Peace Education for Good Governance and Non-violence organized by HPT & RYK and SMRK-BK-AK at MahilaMahavidy alaya, Nashik | Peace Education for Good Governanc e and Non- violence | International | October 2016 | ISBN –978-93-85664-52-6. | |
2 | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Mental health and Depression crises among college students | Conference Proceeding at International Conference Current Issues in Education & Social Sciences organized by Dr.BabasahebA mbedkarMarath wada University Aurangabad, Sponsored by UGC. | Current Issues in Education & Social Sciences | International | May 2015 | ISBN- 978-93- 80039-09- 1. | |
3 | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Internet Addiction and its relation with personality traits among married People | Conference Proceeding at National Conference on Recent Trends in Social Sciences and Languagesby Arts, Science & Commerce College, Makhamalabad, Nashik. |
Recent Trends in Social Sciences And | National | Dec 2015 | ISBN-13- 978-93- 84887-11- 7 | |
4 | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Positive Emotion & Mental Health | Conference Proceeding at National Conference on Positive Psychology organized by LVH College, N | PositivePsychology | National | January,2015. | - | |
5 | Dr. M.A.Bhardwaj | Positive psychology in practice Towards a better life | Conference Proceeding at National Conference on Positive Psychology organized by LVH College, Nashik | Positive Psychology | National | 9 th & 10 th January,2015. | - | |
6 | J.A.Sode | Peace education & enhancement of emotional Intelligence and Aggression management among college students | conference proceeding of 19 th World Congress of IAEWP (UN-NGO) International Conference on Peace Education for Good Governance and Non-violence organized by HPT & RYK and SMRK-BK-AK at MahilaMahavidy alaya, Nashik | Peace Education for Good Governance and Non-violenceRYK and SMRK-BK-AK atMahilaMahavidyalaya,Nashik | International | October 2016 | ISBN –978-93-85664-52-6. | |
7 | J.A.Sode | Positive Emotion & Mental Health | Conference Proceeding at National Conference on Positive Psychology organized by LVH College, Panchavati, Nashik Sponsored by UGC. | Positive Psychology | National | 2014-15 | - | |
7 | Dr. D. K. Kannore | Anxiety, Depression and Stress among Permanent and Temporary Workers in plastic Industries. | 2021 | ISBN – 978 – 81 - 947189 – 7 - 0 | ||||
8 | Dr. D. K. Kannore | A study Adjustment and Emotional Maturity among Joint family And Nuclear Family. | 2022 | ISBN 978-81- 950275-3- 8 |
D Book Published
Sr. No | Name of the teacher | Title of the book/chapters published | National / International | Year of publication | ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding | Affiliating Institute at the time of publication |
1. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj & Dr. J.A.Sode | Rehabilitation Psychology | International | October 2022 | ASIN: B0BJ7M2NFV | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
2. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Gaming Addiction | National | 2022 | ISBN-978-93-85262-51-7 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
3. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Cyber Psychology- Case studies | International | 2020-21 | ASIN B08QWDLR3M | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
4. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Mental health and Depression crises among college students | National | 2015 | ISBN 978-81928429-2-9 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
5. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Personality and Athletes- an Analytical study, Brain Tonic Publication House, Nashik | National | 2012 | ISBN-978-81-923650-3 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
6. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Adolescence and Family Environment- A Psychological Review, Brain Tonic Publication House, Nashik | National | 2012 | ISBN-978-81-923650-4-6 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
7. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Chapter in edited Book entitled “The Role of IQAC students' Perspective-A Case Study" Revised Accreditation Framework of NAAC -Some Issues and perspective | National | 2019 | ISSN-978-93-385664-90-8. | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
8. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | The Role of IQAC Students’ Perspective-A Case Study | National | 2019 | ISBN-978-93-85664-90-8 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
9 | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Occupational Stress Management through Meditation | National | 2010 | ISBN-978-81-8220-284-9 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
10. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Mental Health and adjustment among residential and non-residential students | National | 2010 | ISBN-978-81-8220-315-0 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
11. | Prof. Dr. M.A. Bhardwaj | Psychology in Use | National | 2007 | ISBN-81-88818-08-9 | L.V.H. College, Panchavati, Nashik |
Patents/Copyrights Published
Name of the Faculty | Title of the Patent/Copyright | Date of filing | Year of Award of Certificate | Details |
Prof. Dr. Mrunal A Bhardwaj & Dr. Jaimala A Sode | Received the Copyright to the Government of India for the Construction of a Psychological Test on Specific Phobia | 15/05/2022 | 29/09/2022 | L-117921/2022 |
Prof. Dr. Mrunal A Bhardwaj & Dr. Jaimala A Sode | Received the international copyright and the trademark under class 42 for scientific and technical services country code 1 and Indian ISBN country code 81 for developing the psychological tool “Shopping Addiction Scale (SAS) | 09/02/2017 | 11/04/2018 | Trade Mark No - 3479630 |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/Webinar organized
Sr. No. | Date | Seminar/Webinar Title | Name of Speaker | Link of the Activities |
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| National Conference on Positive Psychology: New Parameters of Positive in Promoting Psychological Health, Mental Health & Well-being |
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G. NET/SET Coaching Workshops/Lectures Organised
NET/SET Coaching Workshops/Lectures Organised | Year | Link |
The Department has organised NET /JRF / SET guidance seminars/ Webinars for the students who are aspiring to appear for these exams. The resource persons are the alumni of the Department and it's ensured that the participants are benefited by the expertise and knowledge of the luminaries. | From 2016-17 To 2021-2022 | Link |
H. Field Visits
Field Visits | Year | Link |
The PG Department of Psychology and Research centre is consistently organising field visits for the UG and PG students which provide them an opportunity with direct experience of the practical application of Psychology in various fields. It's a part of Experiential activity of the Department. | From 2016-17 To 2021-2022 | Link |