Research Centre details

Year of Introduction: 2021
1. Highlights:

i. Interdisciplinary Approach:
The research center embraces an interdisciplinary approach to Geography, drawing on fields such as anthropology, ecology, economics, political science, and sociology to explore complex geographical phenomena and processes.

ii. Cutting-Edge Research:
The center is committed to conducting cutting-edge research that addresses pressing societal and environmental challenges. Examples of research areas include climate change, migration, urbanization, and resource management.

iii. Collaborative Environment:
The center fosters a collaborative environment in which Ph.D. students work closely with faculty members and fellow students to develop and conduct research projects. This provides students with opportunities to learn from a range of perspectives and to contribute to ongoing research initiatives.

iv. Access to Resources:
Ph.D. students at the center have access to a range of resources, including specialized GIS software, field equipment, and research funds. Additionally, the center maintains partnerships with local organizations and agencies, providing students with opportunities for community-based research and engagement.

v. Professional Development:
The center is committed to supporting the professional development of its students, providing opportunities for students to present their research at conferences, publish their work in academic journals, and participate in workshops and training sessions on topics such as grant writing and academic job searches.

vi. Global Perspective:
The center recognizes the importance of understanding global and transnational issues in Geography. As such, the center maintains partnerships with universities and research organizations around the world, providing opportunities for students to engage in international research and exchange programs.

2. Areas of research:

i. Physical Geography:
Physical geographers study the natural environment and the processes that shape it. This can include research on topics such as climate change, landforms, ecosystems, and biogeography.

ii. Human Geography:
Human geographers focus on the ways that humans interact with and shape the world around them. This can include research on topics such as urbanization, migration, cultural landscapes, and political geography.

iii. Geospatial Science:
Geospatial scientists use tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyse and visualize spatial data. This can include research on topics such as spatial analysis, remote sensing, and cartography.

iv. Environmental Geography:
Environmental geographers focus on the relationship between humans and the environment. This can include research on topics such as resource management, sustainability, and environmental justice.

v. Geopolitics:
Geopolitical researchers study the interactions between geography and politics. This can include research on topics such as borders, sovereignty, and international relations.

vi. Historical Geography:
Historical geographers explore how places and landscapes have changed over time. This can include research on topics such as the history of urbanization, landscape change, and the historical geography of exploration and colonization.

vii. Regional Geography:
Regional geographers focus on specific regions of the world and explore the physical, human, and environmental characteristics that make those regions unique. This can include research on topics such as the geography of Asia, Latin America, or Europe.

Tourism, Wellbeing, Quality of Life, Human Development, Population Studies, Agroclimatic Study, Disaster Management etc. These are just a few examples of the many areas of research that geographers might explore. Depending on their interests, geographers might choose to specialize in one or more of these areas, or they might choose to explore other areas of the field.

3. Research Guides:
Sr. No. Name of the guide Year of recognition
1 Dr.R.V. Patil 2021
2 Dr.M.P. Pagar 2022
3 Dr.R.A. Jadhav 2022
4 Dr. G. M. Gangurde (Associate Guide) 2022
5 Dr. G. L. Kolte (Associate Guide) 2023
4. Ph.D. Scholars Registered:
Sr. No. Name of the scholar Name of the guide Title of the thesis Year award of degree
1 Mr.Vikas Shivaji Shirsat Dr.M.P. Pagar
Provisional Admission
2 Mr.Swapnil Pramod Dhatrak Dr.R.A. Jadhav
Provisional Admission
3 Mr.Ravindra Bansi Admane Dr.G.M. Gangurde
Provisional Admission
4 Mr.Bhaskar Ratan Khandvi Dr.G.M. Gangurde
Provisional Admission
5. Research Projects Completed:
Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
1 Dr. Rakesh Vasantrao Patil A Geographical Study of Tourism Potential of North East Part of Nashik District, Maharashtra BCUD SPPU, Pune 200000 2021-2022
Research Papers Published
Sr. No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications View details
1 Dr.R.V. Patil 19 02 view
2 Dr.M.P. Pagar 07
3 Dr. P. Y. Vyalij 15
4 Dr.R.A. Jadhav 15 05 view
5 Mr.S.P. Dhatrak 09

Research Papers Published:

Sr. No. Title of paper Name of journal Month &Year of publication Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1 Ecotourism Potential of Salher Fort, NashikDistrict, Maharashtra Researchers World: Journal of Arts, Sci. & Comm, International Referred ResearchJournal 135-142 ERM Publication,Malegaon Oct. 2011 view
2 Socio-economic Problems of Tribal People on Toranmal Plateau in NandurbarDistrict Shodh, Samiksha Aur Mulyankan, International Referred Research Journal Pg.No. 42-43 2012 -
3 Ecotourism Potential of Trimbakeshwar, Nashik District Researchers World: Journal of Arts, Sci. & Comm, International Referred Research Journal Vol–III, Issue3(4), Pg.59-63 ERM Publication, July, 2012 view
4 Empowerment of Women Through Ecotourism: A Case Study of Nandurmadhameshwar Wildlife Sanctuary in Nashik District, Maharashtra IJMR- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research - Jai Hind Edu. Soc. Pune March, 2014 view
5 Ecotourism Potential of Nashik District:- A Case Study of Brahmagiri & Salher Fort Scholars World – International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research Pg. 116-120 Maaz Publication Feb., 2015 view
6 Resource Potential for Ecotourism Development in Nashik District, Maharashtra Scholars World –International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal ofContemporary Research Pg.96 – 100 Maaz Publication Dec.,2015 view
7 A Geographical Study of Tourism Potential and Tourist Satisfaction of Galna Fort, Malegaon,Dist. Nashik Researchers World – International Refereed Research Journal Volume- VII Issue – 4(5) ImpactFactor (IBI): 3.19 Pg. No. 74 – 76ERM Publication Dec-16 view
8 Rice-Phenology And Water Management in Upland Region: A Case Study of Kolhapur Scholars World – Special Issue International Referred Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research Pg. 77-81 Maaz Publication January, 2016 view
9 Ecotourism Potential and Tourist Satisfaction in Malegaon Tahsil, Nashik District (MS) International Research Fellows Association’s Research Journey – Multidisciplinary International Research Journal Pg. No. 22-28 Special Issue – 12 Impact Factor: 3.452 February – 2017 view
10 Geographical Analysis of Landuse Pattern in Nashik District Current Global Reviewer Shaurya Publication, Latur Special Issue Vol.1(1), Pg. 143- 147 Feb-18 view
11 An Innovative Geographical Study of Tourism Potential in Malegaon Tahsil, Nashik District (M.S.) Vidyawarta International Multilingual Refreed Research Journal Special Issue Pg. 245- 249 Oct to Dec. 2018 view
12 A Geographical Study of Agri-Tourism Potential and Tourist Satisfaction in Igatpuri Region, Nashik District International Research Fellows Association’s Research Journey – Multidisciplinary International E-Research Journal Special Issue – 81 Pg. No. 110-114 Jan – 2019 view
13 A Study of Ecotourism Potential and Tourist Satisfaction of Nandurmadhameshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Nashik District, Maharashtra (India) An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal Ajanta Vol. (UGC Care Listed Journal) VIII, Issue-I, Pg. 100-107 Jan- March- 2019 view
14 A Resource Assessment for Sustainable Tourism Development and Tourist Satisfaction in North East Part of Nashik District, Maharashtra International Research Fellow’s Association’s Research Journey- International E- Research Journal, Peer Refereed, Peer Reviewed Journal & Indexed Journal Impact Factor - (SJIF) – 6.625 (2019) Special Apr-21 view
15 Impact of COVID-19 On Higher Education in Maharashtra Research Fellow’s Association’s Research Journey- International E- Research Journal, Peer Refereed, Peer Reviewed Journal & Indexed Journal Impact Factor - (SJIF) – 6.625 (2019) Special Issue- 264 PP- 16-20 Apr-21 view
16 COVID-19 Impact on Tourism Sector of India Juni Khyat (UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol.-11 Issue-09 No. 01 PP- 1 to 4 Sep-21 view
17 Rural Tourism Potential of Maharashtra: A Case Study of Chandanpuri Village, Malegaon Tahsil, District Nashik Special Issue on Indian Agriculture : Problems & Prospects Journal of Commerce, Management & Social Sciences Pg. No. 18- 23 ERM Publication, Malegaon March, 2013 view
18 Ecotourism Potential of Nashik District, Maharashtra Proceedings National Conference on Social Sciences & Commerce Pg. No. 116-121 Aadhar Publication, Amravati 27th Dec. 2014 view
19 SWOT analysis of tourism development in Baglan Tehsil, Nashik District, Maharashtra International Conference Proceeding Interdisciplinary Innovative Approach on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Pg. 157-163 Feb. 2020 view


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of journal Month &Year of publication Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1 A Geographical Study of Population Pressure and its Reflection on Land of Nashik District PURSUIT, A half yearly International Multi- Disciplinary Research Journal, Vol. I,Issue-2, Pp 45-50, Dec. 2014 view
2 “Agricultural Landuse Efficiency in Girna Basin of Nashik District” A Geographical Analysis Teacher Education Browser A Referred and Reviewed Journal Vol. 3, Issue I, Pp 22-25, 6/1/2014 view
3 A Geographical Study of Crop Diversification in Nashik District Indian Journal of Research Studies (IJORS) In Social Science,Nashik Vol.II, Issue 6,Pp 60-65, Nov. Dec.2014 view
4 A Geographical Study of Population & Resources in Nashik District Scholars World, International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. III, Special Issue Pp 105-109, Feb. 2015 view
5 “Population Growth & its Pressure on Landuse of Godavari Basin in Nashik District” International Journal of Basic Science, (2)1 ONLINE Pp 18-22, July 2015, Paper Id- JOBS-15- 0053 view
6 A Geographical Study of Population Dynamics in Nashik District Scholars World, International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. III Special Issue Pp 174-179 Dec. 2015 view
7 A Study of Population Growth & Net Irrigated Area in Nashik District Scholars World, International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. III Special Issue Pp 28-33 Jan. 2016 view
8 Conservation of Biodiversity in India Scholars World, International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. V Issue III Pp 102- 106 7/1/2017 view
9 Cross-Curricular Concerns in Geography: Earth Science and Physical Geography Scholars World, International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. VI Issue II Pp 106-110 4/1/2018 view
10 Geographical Study of Trends in Area, Production & Productivity of Major Crops in Ahmednagar District Research Journey multidisciplinary International E-Research Journal Special Issue-81 Pp 115- 121 Jan. 2019 view
11 The Global Villagers Scholars World, International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal Vol. VII,Issue I Pp 60-62 1/1/2019 view
12 India: Population Growth, Distribution and Density An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal AJANTA Vol. IX, Issue II Pp 19-24 April-June 2020 view
13 Analysis of National Webinar on, “Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Agriculture and Economy An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal AJANTA Vol. IX, Issue II Pp 19-24 July-Sept. 2020 view
14 Maharashtra: Population Growth,Distribution and Density (Spatio- Temporal Analysis) International Journal of Research, Culture, Society Volume - 4, Issue - 6, June – 2020 Pp 196-200 view
15 A Study of Nutritional Density and Pressure of Population on Agricultural Land in Nashik District, Maharashtra International Journal of Research, Culture, Society Volume - 5, Issue - 8, Aug – 2021 Pp 37-42 view


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of journal Month &Year of publication Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
1 Agricultural development and land use pattern in Nashik district of Maharashtra, India International Conference on Agriculture, Science and Engineering(ICASE2012) Sep-12 view
2 Tsunami Disaster Management and Coastal Development RESEARCH JOURNEY Jan-13 view
3 Landuse pattern and Agricultural development in Kalwan Tashil of Nashik District in Maharashtra state International Journal of Science & Research Methodology Jul-16 view
4 A study of Internet Marketing in India w.r.t Carwale.Com RESEARCH JOURNEY Dec-17 view
5 Monthly and Daily Migration in Nashik District with Special reference to Girnare RESEARCH JOURNEY Jan-22 view
6 The Girl child Issues in Nashik District of Maharashtra, India Social, Economic & Health Wellbeing Feb-21 view
7 Educational, socio- cultural and health care needs among scheduled tribes of Nandurbar District, Maharashtra: A diagnosis by YCM Open Univ Nasik, India PCF4-The Fourth Pan Commonwealth Foram of Open Learning Oct.2006 view


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of journal Year of publication Link to article / paper / abstract of the article
1 Comparative Study of Population Growth in Nashik Division and Maharashtra State (Census 1991 to 2011) Shodhsanhita Journal of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Vol. VIII - Issue II (July- 2021) view
2 Spatio - temporal variation of precipitation data in diverse zones of Sangli district Shodhsanhita Journal of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Vol. VIII - Issue II (July- 2021) view
3 PROPENSITY AND TRANSFORMATION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND USE EFFICIENCY OF NASHIK DISTRICT, (MS) Journal of Research and Development A Multidisciplinary International Level Reveiewed Journal December 2021/Vol. 12, Issue - 20 -
4 MONSOON RAINFALL INSTABILITY AND DROUGHT PRONE ZONES IN NASHIK DISTRICT (1980-2021) Journal of Research and Development A Multidisciplinary International Level Reveiewed Journal December 2021/Vol. 12, Issue - 20 -
5 A Geographical Study of Soil Types and Distribution of Settlement in Solapur District Journal of Research and Development A Multidisciplinary International Level Reveiewed Journal January- 2022, Volume- 13, Issue- 1
6 Temperature and Rainfall Trends in North Western Maharashtra: A Geographical Approach Ayushi International Journal Special Issue January 2022
7 An appraisal of the environmental repercussions of industrialization and its impact on health and wellbeing in Malegaon City, Nashik, Maharashtra/td> Kanpur Philosophers Vol. VIII, Issue I (Summer) 2021
8 The relevance of Urban Spatial Elements to the Environmental Aspects and Health Risk Factors of Children in Nashik City, Maharashtra Kanpur Philosophers Vol. VIII, Issue I (Summer) 2021
9 Digital image processing an appraisal of capricious monsoon condition over semiarid zone of western India: a remote sensing perspective Shodhsanhita Journal of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Ramtek Vol. VIII, Issue 29 March 2021
10 Krushi Utpadaktela Prabhavit Karnare Ghatak Aani Vibhinna Antarik Vaishishtyanche Vishistha Prathinidhik Vishleshan, Jilha Nashik,Maharashtra, Bharat Akshar Wangmay UGC CARE LIST Special Issue I Sept.2020
11 An Assessment of the Ecological Consequences of Industrialized Urban Expansion of Kolhapur City, Maharashtra, Page No.62-66 Akshar Wangmay UGC CARE Special Issue I Sept.2020
12 Population Dynamics And Instability An Assessment Of Socio- Economic And Ecological Trait Of Existence: A Comprehensive Approach In Semi-Arid Climate Of Southeastern Maharashtra, India Page No.58-87 Purakala UGC CARE LIST Volume 05,2020
13 Use of geographic information and communication technologies (GEO-ICT’s) for agro- meteorological management in semi-arid zone of Western Maharashtra, India Page no. 179- 193 Purakala UGC CARE LIST Volume 05,2020
14 An Assessment and Transformation of Urbanization: A Case Study of Nashik City, Maharashtra, India Page No.89-104 Research Journey UGC-Approved Volume 09,2020
15 Speculation of Monsoon Rainfall and Reciprocity of Crop Yield and Production in Nashik District of Maharashtra,India. Purakala UGC CARE LIST Volume 2,2018


Sr. No. Title of paper Name of journal Year of publication Link to article / paper / abstract of the article
1 Ecotourism potential of Pandav Leni Caves or Nasik Caves: Nasik District International Journal of Basic and Applied Research., Impact factor-5.86 Jul-18 view
2 Diversification of crops in Nasik District: A Spatio Temporal Analysis. Research Journey Jan-19 view
3 Strawberry Cultivation: Horticulture Revolution in Maharashtra with reference to Surgana Tehsil. Research Journey Mar-19 view
4 Role and impact o NAAC on higher education institutions in India International journal of research culture society, Impact factor-5.245 Mar-20 view
5 The socioeconomic impact of covid-19 or corona pandemic in India Shanlax international journal of arts, science and humanities., Impact factor- 3.02 Jul-20 view
6 Impact of covid- 19(corona virus) pandemic in India Ajanta international multidisciplinary quarterly journal , ,Impact Factor-6.399 16-Jun-20 view
7 Dark Tourism Sites In India: A Review Shanlax international journal of arts, science and humanities., ,Impact factor- 3.02 Oct. 2020 view
8 Unexplored or less known tourist destination in Maharashtra: A review International journal of Research and Development Vol.11, Issue-24, June-21, Impact Factor 7.265 Jun-21 view
9 Religious Tourism in Maharashtra: problems and Prospects IRJMETS International journal of modernization in engineering technology and science,E-, Impact Factor 6.752 Nov.21 view

Books Publication

Sr. No. Title of the Book Name of the Author Year of publication ISBN No.
1 Ecotourism in Maharashtra- Planning, Management and Sustenance Dr. Rakesh Vasantrao Patil INSC International Publisher ,2021 978-1-68576-073-1
2 Regional Climatology Dr.R.A.Jadhav Notion Press, Kolkata,August, 2018 978-164-760-402
3 Climatology of Semi-Arid Region in Western India Dr.R.A.Jadhav Notion Press Kolkata, October, 2019 978-179-474-8170

Books Publication

Sr. No. Title of the chapter Title of the Book Name of the Author ISBN NoPublisher & Year of Publication &ISBN
1 An Assessment of the Discernments of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ and Approach towards Hygiene amongst the Urban Inhabitants of Maharashtra Review of Modi Government Policies-Since 2014 Dr.R.A.Jadhav Sharp Mind Publisher, Uttarpradesh, India November, 2020
2 Mahatma Gandhi and His Thoughts About Environment Gandhian Thoughts Dr. Rakesh Vasantrao Patil Aadhar Publication,Amravati, August 2021 ISBN- 978-81-951099-0-6
3 Platinum Jubilee of Indian Independence: Relevance of Gandhian Ideology “आधुनिक काळात उपयोगी ठरणारे गांधीजींचे पर्यावरणीय विचार” Dr. Rakesh Vasantrao Patil Sanyog Publication,Nashik, November,2021 ISBN- 978-81- 949467-0-0
4 Platinum Jubilee of Indian Independence: Relevance of Gandhian Ideology Role of Mahatma Gandhi as an Environmentalist Mrs.Kavita M.Ghate Sanyog Publication, Nashik, November,2021 ISBN- 978-81- 949467-0-0
5 Platinum Jubilee of Indian Independence: Relevance of Gandhian Ideology Mahatma Gandhi and Sustainable Development Mr.Swapnil P.Dhatrak Sanyog Publication, Nashik, November,2021 ISBN- 978-81- 949467-0-0

Research Paper Presented in Seminar, Conference, and Work-shop

Sr. No Name of the Teacher Level
State National International Total
1 Dr. P. Y. Vyalij 10 11 01 23
2 Dr. R. S. Deore 09 05 03 17
3 Prof. G. U. Harkar 00 03 00 03
4 Dr. R. V. Patil (From 10 th Nov. 2020) - 2 - 2
5 Mr. S. P. Dhatrak - 1 - 1
6 Mrs. K. M. Ghate - 1 - 1
Total 19 23 4 47

Faculty Attend Seminar, Conference, and Work-shop

Sr. No Teacher Name Level Total
State National International
1 Dr. P. Y. Vyalij 17 07 22 46
2 Dr. R. S. Deore 12 06 03 21
3 Prof. G. U. Harkar 07 01 09 17
4 Dr. R. V. Patil (From 10 th Nov. 2020) 2 12 3 17
5 Mr. S. P. Dhatrak 07 2 1 10
6 Mrs. K. M. Ghate 07 2 1 10
7 Dr. M. P. Pagar (From 13 th Jan., 2022) 2 - - 2
8 Dr. R. A. Jadhav (From 8 th July, 2022) 2 - - 2
Total 27 17 14 58

Seminars/Conferences/Workshops/Webinar organized:

Sr. No. Title Duration (From date/to date) Level (State/National / International) Name of Coordinator
1 Two Day State Level Conference on Tourism 27-28 Sept.2003 State Dr. P. Y. Vyalij
2 Indian Agriculture: Problems &Perspectives 02-03 Feb.2013 State Dr. P. Y. Vyalij
3 SYBA/BSc & MA/MSc II Year Geography Syllabus Restructuring Workshop 5 th  March 2014 District Dr. P. Y. Vyalij
4 Student Centric Workshop on Management of Water in Drought Prone Area 11 th  March 2014 District Dr. P. Y. Vyalij
5 “Climate Change and Sustainability” 24-25 Jan.2017 State Dr. M. P. Pagar
6 National Conference on “Indian Agriculture: Problems and Prospects” 3-4 Jan. 2019 National Dr. G. U. Harkar
7 National Webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Agriculture and Economy” 6th Aug. 2020 National Dr. P. Y. Vyalij
8 A One Day Online Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and Geographical Indications – GI” 26th May, 2021 State Dr. R. V. Patil
9 State Webinar on “Youth of India” 12th July, 2021 State Dr. R. V. Patil
10 10 Days State Level NET/SET Geography Exam Workshop 20th Aug. to 31st Aug., 2021 State Dr. P. Y. Vyalij
11 A State Level Workshop on “Disaster Management” 21st Sept., 2021 State Dr. R. V. Patil
12 A State Level Webinar on Travel and Tourism – Challenges and Opportunities 28th Sept.,2021 State Dr. R. V. Patil
13 A State Level Webinar on Occasion of 11th July World Population Day Topic: “Changing Trends in World Population” 11th July, 2022 State Dr. R. V. Patil
14 State level Seminar on Scope of Tourism in India 27th Sept.,2022 State Dr. R. V. Patil

Patents/Copyrights Published/Filed

Sr. No. Title of the patent/copyright Date of filing Year of award of certificate View details
1 Device To Analyse and Generate Hotel Planning. 23/09/2022 January 2023 view

Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

Sr. No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
1 A One Day Online Workshop on“Intellectual Property Rights and Geographical Indications – GI” State January 2023 view